Comments on Mr Sandbags's stuff

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Yesterday I bought a very lovely sample set from Soniccouture called [The Skiddaw Stones]( ![skiddaw stones ](…
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

I wonder how these would sound with my style of old rock and roll? No pun intended.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Yesterday I bought a very lovely sample set from Soniccouture called [The Skiddaw Stones]( ![skiddaw stones ](…
dougsparling's avatar
dougsparling said


Mr Sandbags's avatar
Yesterday I bought a very lovely sample set from Soniccouture called [The Skiddaw Stones]( ![skiddaw stones ](…
Lord Sluk's avatar
Lord Sluk said

great stuff

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Yesterday I bought a very lovely sample set from Soniccouture called [The Skiddaw Stones]( ![skiddaw stones ](…
Guest said


Mr Sandbags's avatar
This is my second experiment with "song form". In this case I tried out probably the simplest form: "IABABCABE" where I - intro, A - verse, B - chorus, C - break, E - end. Although I'm not sure if the verse is supposed to build into the…
Guest said


Mr Sandbags's avatar
After yesterdays experiment with noise gates and vocal transformers I thought I'd have another go using Rytme as the source material. A single Rytme track with multiple playheads is playing into a Logic channel containing Kore playing the Absynth…
Et Cetera Etc's avatar
Et Cetera Etc said

diggin the vibes very chill

Mr Sandbags's avatar
This is my second experiment with "song form". In this case I tried out probably the simplest form: "IABABCABE" where I - intro, A - verse, B - chorus, C - break, E - end. Although I'm not sure if the verse is supposed to build into the…
mmi's avatar
mmi said

Go away for a little while and look what happens. Well done indeed.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
This is my second experiment with "song form". In this case I tried out probably the simplest form: "IABABCABE" where I - intro, A - verse, B - chorus, C - break, E - end. Although I'm not sure if the verse is supposed to build into the…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
Mr Sandbags said

Thank you so much folks for your comments, they're very encouraging!

Mr Sandbags's avatar
This is my second experiment with "song form". In this case I tried out probably the simplest form: "IABABCABE" where I - intro, A - verse, B - chorus, C - break, E - end. Although I'm not sure if the verse is supposed to build into the…
yelyah's avatar
yelyah said

First let me say that this is wonderful, especially for someone who keeps claiming that things "are a mystery to me". :) When it comes to song form, I'd say it's a big fat "it depends". Probably most of the time, you would want one section to lead into another via some... thread? So this could mean anything from like a chord progression, a melody, lyrical content, even instrumentation I'd think. But then again, you may also find that you can get the emotional impact you want by having an abrupt change from one section to another. It all depends, eh. :) That said, I think you did a fine job on the transitions between verse and chorus on this piece. They're different enough that they sound like independent sections, yet lead well from one to another. As for harmony, I want to say that it was Aaron Copland who said something pithy along the lines of "There's no such thing as dissonance - it just means you haven't heard enough of it." Personally, I feel like the chord/melody at about :45 and 1:28 are a little too clashy for my tastes. Though it's such a blip in the grand scheme of the song and not all that noticeable, even for someone who's looking for it. I'd say you have a good ear for picking the right patches and effects to make a piece really gel as a whole. And I'm impressed because it sounds like you're really progressing with each new piece you release. Keep 'em coming!

Mr Sandbags's avatar
This is my second experiment with "song form". In this case I tried out probably the simplest form: "IABABCABE" where I - intro, A - verse, B - chorus, C - break, E - end. Although I'm not sure if the verse is supposed to build into the…
glu's avatar
glu said

I'm really digging all the layers and melodies. The rhythm section moves very nicely too. Loving where your music has been going over the past several months.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
This is my second experiment with "song form". In this case I tried out probably the simplest form: "IABABCABE" where I - intro, A - verse, B - chorus, C - break, E - end. Although I'm not sure if the verse is supposed to build into the…
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

How very inventive of you. Nice track!

Mr Sandbags's avatar
This is my second experiment with "song form". In this case I tried out probably the simplest form: "IABABCABE" where I - intro, A - verse, B - chorus, C - break, E - end. Although I'm not sure if the verse is supposed to build into the…
glu's avatar
glu said

yes, where is Michael, my talking car?

Mr Sandbags's avatar
This is my second experiment with "song form". In this case I tried out probably the simplest form: "IABABCABE" where I - intro, A - verse, B - chorus, C - break, E - end. Although I'm not sure if the verse is supposed to build into the…
Guest said

Knightrider and Abba!

Mr Sandbags's avatar
This is one track where I can say, without reservation, that I am really happy with how it came out. I worked up a beat I liked with 3 Stylus RMX parts making good use of chaos and time designer for the breaks. For the first time I really…
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Nice one mate this is cool and thanks for your recent comments

Mr Sandbags's avatar
This is one track where I can say, without reservation, that I am really happy with how it came out. I worked up a beat I liked with 3 Stylus RMX parts making good use of chaos and time designer for the breaks. For the first time I really…
Licoresse's avatar
Licoresse said

ca 3:00, nice break, breath!

Mr Sandbags's avatar
This is one track where I can say, without reservation, that I am really happy with how it came out. I worked up a beat I liked with 3 Stylus RMX parts making good use of chaos and time designer for the breaks. For the first time I really…
Guest said

Damn fine or my name isn't Kintekobo - The wolf with a dressing up box!

Mr Sandbags's avatar
This is one track where I can say, without reservation, that I am really happy with how it came out. I worked up a beat I liked with 3 Stylus RMX parts making good use of chaos and time designer for the breaks. For the first time I really…
brando's avatar
brando said

Nice, I'm ready to rally.

Mr Sandbags's avatar
So I got Stylus RMX and this was my first attempt to use it multi-timbrally in Logic. It was accompanied by Elysium playing Omnisphere and me playing Reaktor on the keyboard. I still have no idea how to come up with bass lines so this was me playing…
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

I'd love to hear you do more with this- cool beat

Mr Sandbags's avatar
I've had a bit of a love/hate relationship with this one. I enjoyed making the beats and think that part came out pretty good but everything after that felt rather haphazard and didn't feel right to me. I was close to abandoning the track…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
Mr Sandbags said

A weeks gap has given me a little more perspective on this track and I've found more to like about it. Also in the light of my next track I can see this as an experiment with a new form. I doubt I'll do anything more with this but I can rest easier about it now ;-)

Mr Sandbags's avatar
This is one track where I can say, without reservation, that I am really happy with how it came out. I worked up a beat I liked with 3 Stylus RMX parts making good use of chaos and time designer for the breaks. For the first time I really…
Grand Element's avatar
Grand Element said

really like this song. reminds me of a similar message I was working on too. check it out if you get a sec, I'd be curious what you think. Nice beats.
