Sister Savage's listening history
All I Can do is Try
Move towards my window,
try to get out.
It will not open,
I got a clue what it's about.
I have it on good authority,
I may not be the best…
Conflict of Spirit
Just a conflict of spirit
Just a conflict of spirit
Just a conflict of spirit
You can't escape yourself
Just a conflict of spirit!
No Escape From This World
There's no escape from this world
People claiming to be peace makers
To soothe the people on the streets
They hide their own lit cards
Annouce its for…
A Fool's Paradise
They say, Hey Look!
The armies are receeding!
Times are changing
Can't you feel it in the air?
Its Just Fool's Paradise...
Changes in all the…
Save the World
I want to take the world
Put it in my arms
Give it a big hug!
Give it all my love
The World!
I want to take the world
Put it in my…
I don't really have that much to say
when I've been at work all day
all the things that fit inside
I don't understand
how I am to fit in this
big atomic antiracial economic plan
its your life
its your life…
Evan guitar
Mike keyboard
Steve bass
Paul drums
Chris lead guitar
(by the above listed musicians)
Wrote this song to go with the "Woman At the Well" story in the Bible. Got some buddies from the bluegrass band to play with us.
This is my first collaboration with the talented SLKrell! He had a reggae song called "Rancho Raggae" posted a couple of weeks ago in need of a lyric, so I asked If I could write some for it, and poof whala!! Here it is! Thanks Slkrell for the…
I can only listen to Mustang Sally so many times. But Genghis has the most incredible tone. I can't keep my ears of it!