Sister Savage's listening history
A little celestial inspiration for this song.... I started it and Greg and Mark helped me finish it and then record around my kitchen table. Feel free to howl if you like it!
Blood Wolf Moon
Blood wolf moon this January…
Another one from the archives! Collab with glu from 2009 - I took his original guitar track and added vocals, then he remixed and made about four more versions, but this is my fave.
(Remastered 22/10/2021)
I've been missing in action for ages - apologies to all, I'm about to start listening again too.
For ages, I'd been considering a move away from my trusty Boss BR1600 on which I've recorded and mixed nearly everything…
Well, here we go then...
**Cobwebs - A A J Russe**
Yeah you know what it is that I want
Oh you knew, didn't you, before I did?
How many times did you wonder whether I would dare?
Oh never mind...
Take off your underwear
Wrote this during the covid lockdown. Recorded by my son Jim with Pauline on vocals...recorded July 2021
Brian wrote a song.
Wilsun covered it.
Wilsun gave me his Garageband file.
I teamed up with a robot orchestra and we made this.
Hopefully Brian and Wilsun will like it.
Wilsun's cover:…
8-string guitars rule. Instrumentals rule. Lydian mode rules.
Guitar: Doug Sparling
Composer: Doug Sparling
Written/Recorded: 2006
A "B" side from the "Stray Onto The Path" CD that I never released, in fact, I'd forgotten I'd even recorded it until today when I stumbled across the track. It's one I didn…