Sister Savage's listening history

goss's avatar
Inspired by Fritz Lang's 1927 Metropolis, as part of a still ongoing project for an electronic soundtrack for the film.
goss's avatar
A night spent near the top of mountain in southern greece... the eerie darkness and magnificent dawn ... the climb and descent, gave birth to this piece and a couple more (not yet finished).
angie fights crime's avatar
from the album 'ZERO' featuring Tess Savigear on vocals as you wish said the boy to the girl with the sparkling eyes so it goes, so they say he was taken from her that day and her deep blue eyes went silent just another sad tale, so sorry…
angie fights crime's avatar
from the album "ZERO" featuring Tess Savigear on vox seems like I felt this way before but my memory is not to be trusted so many things flashing through my brain was it real or a dream or something else you're staring at me like a criminal…
angie fights crime's avatar
from the album "ZERO" featuring Meg Radley on vocals way to go great escape such a clever girl you are made the grade change the course all because of what she said climb up the ladder release the lion trapped inside all our thoughts…
angie fights crime's avatar
from the album "ZERO" featuring Meg Radley on vocals wait a day might as well stay, awhile here with me where the breeze, blows just say now time grows shorter then we dream awake a scream, out loud leaving leaves a hole kicks around…
Richard Hardrick's avatar
Silence in the air further cold Breathing again. Nobody can see into my old feeling. No, no one can take this moment No, no one can change what I think now I am free I could open my eyes again Silence in the rain further cold bBreathing…
Richard Hardrick's avatar
Silence in the air further cold Breathing again. Nobody can see into my old feeling. No, no one can take this moment No, no one can change what I think now I am free I could open my eyes again Silence in the rain further cold bBreathing…
Gumbo's avatar
This was an RPM track back in the day, and I've been playing it various ways to find a setting for it within the band repertoire. This doesn't sound much like our band would do it but it came out nicely, so i thought i'd share it.
coelocanth's avatar