sleggthesockpuppet's listening history

General X's avatar
folk - ish. My wife and I lived in the mountains at one point, this is a song about the maountains and the valley below
General X's avatar
Singer/songwriter simple acoustic track. I wrote these lyrics in church one day, they wanted us to move to the middle of the aisle, I don't like the middle of the aisle
Home Grown String Theory's avatar
OK we lost power at a critical point in recording for RPM. This one was written and recorded the day I had to pack up all my recording gear and borrow a room at a local public business which was on a different power grid. The wind had caused some…
Andrew Russe's avatar
Next in the little pile of songs from the shoe-box. This one has the date 27th January 1994 written on it, but it's describing an episode from many years earlier when I was, I'm guessing, something like 12 or 13 years old. I had to go to a…
Andrew Russe's avatar
Next in the little pile of songs from the shoe-box. This one has the date 27th January 1994 written on it, but it's describing an episode from many years earlier when I was, I'm guessing, something like 12 or 13 years old. I had to go to a…
General X's avatar
The Rose Serum Sextet's avatar
And, yes, an even worse pun.
The Rose Serum Sextet's avatar
Sorry, bad pun.
Breaking Light's avatar
Breaking Light's avatar