sleggthesockpuppet's listening history

Merry Bear's avatar
FEEL THE TIME Feel the time is rushing by, I feel the time is near Feel the time is crushing down, I feel the time is here That is how the world goes round, that is how it goes Just a question, when and how, and that no one knows…
Merry Bear's avatar
ASTRAL PROJECTION Out of body, separated, as I travel on, ascending high, a photon in the realm of light between the here and there, and twix the now and then, beyond the worlds of suns, with angels, cherubims, I loosen not the silver cord…
vaisvil's avatar
From Bethan Reads
vaisvil's avatar
From Bethan Reads
Paul Lennon's avatar
Last one for the Cherry Pie festival. Don't mind me, I'm goofing on my WG alter-ego. If your unaware of my Gunslinging, Wall of Voodoo, Ennio Morricone, Good, Bad, and Ugly, Fistful of guitars influences, you may NOT like this spaghetti…
Greg Connor's avatar
Bethan Mathis on Uke and Vocals. Now we got some class!
Merry Bear's avatar
Lyrics, music, acoustic rhythm guitar, front vocals by Greg Connor. Acoustic Bass, electric guitar, synthesizer, and background vocals by Merry Bear.
thetworegs's avatar
Here is my contribution to the Cherry Pie project of Greg's ....I had started it with the intention of a collaboration with Geas ...but i went down the pub tonight and watched a gig down there and came back a bit over i haven't had…
thetworegs's avatar
Igor sent me over this wonderful piano piece and asked if i would like to collaborate on it and i jumped at the chance.............Thank you Igor Nigel & Mary's Waltz Nigel said to Mary come Marry me lets make a show we can both just be…
thetworegs's avatar
not the best recording in the world but a lot better than the last..........