slkrell's listening history
Recorded Friday, December 13th, 2013. Drums were generated using a Yamaha E313 keyboard. Vocals and all other instruments are my fault. Lyrics and composition by Stevie Wonder.
Since my baby left me
I found a new place to dwell
It's down the end of Lonely Street
At Heartbreak Hotel
You're makin' me so lonely, baby
I get so lonely, I get so lonely, I could die
Though it's always crowded
You still can find…
Trying out the new set-up with a zoom H4n and cubase LE6. I started to make a simple blues just to try out the equipment, but I really like how it ended up, so I thought I would put it up for listeners.
Me and Bee
One of my all time favorites and a must have to my last Wildgeas collection.
So 50/90 is an unnatural forcing of a crap ton of songs in a relatively short period of time. We're half way though and I've learned one thing. I've learned how easy it is to repeat something you've already done. This one sounds a LOT like…
we went for a few days holiday up to the lake district and stopped in a Wigwam by Coniston Lake the weather was great it was relaxing and being surrounded by beautiful scenery it was the perfect break.... i recorded this on the MBR and then had…
Added some delayed cigar box guitar to Jim Goodin's "Meteor", for our ongoing delay project.
OK peeps here's my slice of Cherry Pie,cheers Greg enjoy!