sluggthesickpuppy's listening history
Hey, I just found this buried in my documents, cool!
this one. this one is hard to explain, its like a weird latte.
More midi manipulation madness. I listened to Loveless again and its like i'm falling in love with the CD all over again! Probably sounds almost nothing like the original but one day I hope to actually learn how to play this song myself and do…
really nice song to cover, very dreamy chords. I tried my best to mimic a guitar so let me know if it sounds good enough :D
43.(A PIANO RUMBLE) Thetworegs
I carried on walking i must have walked for miles. Thinking, cursing him, persuading myself, to forget about him, the fucking no good, and carry on with a newer cleaner life and possibly put everything back to…
BLANK Episode 4
31.(A MAN LIKE ME) Thetworegs
Thirty minutes or so had passed and fuck all had happened i was starting to think he’d given me a fucking placebo when the little Red light from the stereo, jumped and started flickering up…
BLANK Episode 3
17.(I BEGAN TO FALL) Thetworegs
This voice carried on lecturing me “You really have no idea do you” ‘The shit that you have put people close to you through’ “ all this crap you about i can stop if i want to, i’ve just got…
BLANK Episode 2
10.(II BELIEVE IN BELIEF) Thetworegs
Finally the plane lands in Geneva safe and sound, My fears have not, they haven’t you know materialized at all, i’m still here , I have not been smothered by the Bulk who just sat quietly…
For my contribution to the RPM this year i thought i'd tell a little story......
Blank Episode 1
For those of us who think it impossible to stop these full throttle hands.
(STRANGE DAYS) Thetworegs
The Blue sky in my dreams…