Comments on Sorslin's stuff

Sorslin's avatar
Lyrics 10 years old or 25 Who should be by our side? What should our minds be like? There’s nowhere to hide There’s nowhere to hide Only to grieve inside Should I live or die? Man and women Children and adults We need to fix them…
Sorslin's avatar
Sorslin said

I wrote this song thinking about how we are always asking for respect and the right to live as who we are with our differences. No matter our age, we are trying to survive all the time dealing with humans who treat us like abnormal people when they are not being treated like abnormal too. Because no one is safe from the hate in our civilizations.

Sorslin's avatar
Lyrics 24 hours I worship you I hope to see you again very soon Or hear you again As if I was being swallowed by the sand Your voice in my ear Your breath in my ear Sounds like you're so close to me You are who I want to be Scream…
Sorslin's avatar
Sorslin said

This song is about my hyperfocus on music and how I'm always listening, thinking or making music. Even when I’m almost falling asleep and waking up, I'm always thinking and having ideas about songs, and some times reproducing sounds with my teeth and feet, like the drums of a track.

Sorslin's avatar
Lyrics Let me hold you Let me hug you Let’s pretend that everything is new And we'll live happily very soon Keep me close That’s what I love the most Talk to me Until we fall asleep Smelling your scent near my flesh It’s what makes…
Sorslin's avatar
Sorslin said

The intention was to write a cliché love song about being with the love of your life by your side and being extremely happy and in love with him/her, but in reality this is just a wish and it makes you suffer because that someone doesn't feel the same way about you and you just want to forget that feeling and that person.

Sorslin's avatar
Lyrics Today the day began as the night And the darkness seems to last all the time The blue color of the sky hide And I looked for the sun and couldn't find People around me are scared But no one wants to hear what they said What can…
Sorslin's avatar
Sorslin said

This song it’s about how we are now fighting against the climatic problems that we caused it ourselves in the past. Now we are trying to survive with all this but it's too late.

Sorslin's avatar
Tell me when you will come here When you will come to see me And also if you will touch me Turn off the lights and don't make noises Only if it’s your breathing Softly and warmly In my ears Now I’m ready To feel you inside And your…
Sorslin's avatar
Sorslin said

This song has two parts but they are somehow connected. In the first part, I talk about my difficulty in interacting with other people, after stopping taking antipsychotics. This first part talks about a sexual relationship I had that was very good, although I had difficulty talking or even being touched, as I knew the person and I ''gave permission'' for that to happen, and I was waiting for that, it was very good and I didn't have any difficulties. The second part talks about my vision for my life in the future, since I, with so many special needs due to being neurodivergent, how will I manage on my own when I no longer have my parents, who now take care of me? Either a miracle happens and I become a completely independent person, or I put and end to everything.

Sorslin's avatar
Lyrics My life is at a standstill There’s nothing happening but it feels like Everything is falling apart It’s crushing slowly my heart Unhappiness and sometimes a little bit of euphoria And sometimes only emptiness My life, my feelings…
Sorslin's avatar
Sorslin said

A few months ago I posted on my Facebook how I was feeling about the depressive episodes I was dealing with for a few weeks. When I read the post to see if there were any typos, I realized that my post sounded more like one of my lyrics. so I decided to write other verses and use this idea and that's what came out.

Sorslin's avatar
Lyrics I wish I could be here To see everything I want to see But there's no place to be When the last ray of light reaches us I want to know who will be first And if it's close When all the minds collide I hope love you can find…
Sorslin's avatar
Sorslin said

My true hope for a better world is the end of humanity. I don't think that the problems will be solved and the life will be well living. I just hope to see the bad people burning in hell when the end comes.

Sorslin's avatar
Lyrics When I wake up And my only friend ask me how I am I know what I have to say But I don’t want to be a burden So I just lie And tell him I’m fine But actually I want to die ‘Cause I’ve been locked inside My own mind If this…
Sorslin's avatar
Sorslin said

I wrote this lyrics about the day that I almost died from hypothermia. and how my suicidal desires and my "sins" all came to mind as I lay dying. and the possibility of my life ending at that moment was truly frightening.
