Demo for FAWM ’25. Never underestimate my ability to take a bad pun more seriously than it probably deserves.
A late-night cry for attention.
Cryptic emoji fill my screen.
I take a cue to head on over,
As close as I'll get to certainty…
Demo for FAWM ’25. Based off a poisonous plant prompt, which in my case was Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) a plant that to my initial disappoint is the "kid gloves" of deadly plants, traditionally more common for medicinal use than murder, but…
Demo for FAWM '25, based, you could argue damn near ripped-off, from Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill! a collab with both @dreamscuba and @nahlej381 which is the closest I might get to a super-group.
The naked flesh, of desert heat.
Very fitting for our times...great lyrics. I like the hard driving bass and without guitar actually. Your FAWM must almost be done! (love the "welcome to violence" voice
Demo for FAWM '25. Lyrics by @lyricslinger.
It's another day in the office concrete jungle
It's all kicking off, I can hear the thunder rumble
It doesn't matter how many years
If you're fair prey then you're fair prey…
Rough demo for FAWM '25. More proof of concept, but there are not enough days in February to get this where I want.
What could I do, baby,
it was too big for me.
I thought I had it,
but I couldn't reach
My hands grew shaky…
Demo for FAWM ’25. Based off a poisonous plant prompt, which in my case was Yarrow (Achillea millefolium) a plant that to my initial disappoint is the "kid gloves" of deadly plants, traditionally more common for medicinal use than murder, but…
Rough demo for FAWM '25. More proof of concept, but there are not enough days in February to get this where I want.
What could I do, baby,
it was too big for me.
I thought I had it,
but I couldn't reach
My hands grew shaky…
It's probably not a huge surprise that someone who chose a moniker evoking a hyperactive bigfoot would be a fan of b-movies, this is my punk rock love letter to them.
I ought to go to bed Instead I’m watching z-grade creatures
oh yes! This is awesome and professional. Wow. Vocals great & catchy electric guitar's got all the goods. Your collaboration is producing some great music! Looking forward to hearing the whole album when it's done. (ps. thanks for the listens and the fun feedback)
Wow! Nicely done and great collaboration (those are always the best). Congrats on your FAWM!!! I was away for a while's a treat to come back and listen to the finished creations.
Demo #5 for FAWM ’22.
Hyperfocus, I didn’t notice where the time went,
hocus-pocus kinda like magic, kinda like hypnosis
can turn it on sometimes for a purpose, other times it’s
self-defeating when I need to be
Demo #3 for FAWM ’22.
Gimme a ticket for an aeroplane
Cause I ain’t got time for no slow ass train
My babies moving on,
and I know when she’s gone
My life will only get better…
One Two Three Four!
Gimmie a ticket…
Demo #1 for FAWM '22.
I wasn’t looking for trouble,
Just a change of pace.
Something different that my mind could engage.
A shallow fragment of longing
For something different to feel
The novelty of the change it’s own appeal…
song about meeting my wife , recorded about 3 mths ago . all instruments and vocals and backing vocals + mixed and mastered by myself and drums programmed by myself .....thanks for you time ......tony cee
Reg was strumming and has got to thinking, I know he shouldn't but he has and he thinks the governments of this world have given up on love and understanding. They now want us to hate, hate, hate, hate, be angry, put against one another the haves…
I love how raw this is. The vocal performance is incredibly sharp but the phrasing is so incredibly chaotic in the verse sections, like I have no idea what rhythm or meter the lyrics are following by the time you get to the hook and then it's just snapped right back into the flow. I'm not sure if this is a demo, but keep that, it really works.
**Song-writing Demo for FAWM 2025**
Song number 14
Written 21st-22nd Feb
Demo recorded 22nd Feb
The thing of it is, er... whatever
I guess.
**Now that we’re home - A A J Russe**
Now that we’re home
I’ll admit to you…
Song #6 for my 2025 RPM Challenge. This one is sort of a dance (anti-dance) song. Composed mostly using my Juno Synth. It took ages to put together oddly. Thanks to anyone who dares to listen!
Her make up
Is all over the floor
And you…
I really like this. It reminds me of the early industrial stuff, bits of Skinny Puppy? The vocal work gives it a completely different feel, but the bass and drums pound.
Song 5 for my RPM Challenge (the half way mark!). Decided to use my Juno synthesizer for this one - I love that thing. Did this yesterday after a nice winter hike. Thank you to anyone out there who listens - much appreciated xoxo
You touch…
3rd Song for my RPM challenge. Went back to my piano and kept it minimal. I love singing harmonies (grew up listening to CSNY). Thanks to anyone who listens xox
Did you get lost in the sea
Were you searching for pieces of me
You're voice is incredible, but oh man are you're arrangements something special. They are so sparse, but just have such momentum. If you stopped posting your RPM tracks, my FAWM's would be a little worse.
It's summer time, I'm at a cottage, I've been listening to a lot of weird electronic music and thinking about the world burning up. I'm playing around with layering vocals - something I love. Thanks to anyone who listens even for a few seconds…
I love the vocal layering, I want to say its "haunting", but that's not the word. Enigmatic perhaps? I don't know, something resonates with me... resonant?
Am I having writers block in a comment?
Song #5 for RPM 2023 - half way to the completion of the album! Wrote this after a very long late night walk of meditation.
And the rain came down
It wouldn’t stop
As we made our way to the mountain top
And the rain came down, the rain…
Song 8# of my RPM Album. I love Persian scales and so I wanted to play with that a bit here. I managed to do my own finger snapping through the whole tune and didn't use a loop - I'm known for my rather loud snapping ability.
In another…
This is great, I feel like that scale is a cheat code though. Although I couldn't just slap it into one of my songs and expect it to work, so maybe not a cheat.
As someone who can get 7-8 snaps before I have all the percussive bite of a rabbit landing on a velvet blanket, that is indeed an impressive run.
Song #9 for my RPM album. Back to using my bass as the back bone for this one. Vocals were recorded in one shot like a live recording (not easy to catch my breath in between phrases sometimes...eek). Made up a harmony for the last chorus...that…
Hey, thanks for the comments and listens. I was getting notices in my in-box and wanted to jump over and I've been waiting for a chance to check out what you've been doing. Been harder to keep up with FAWM this year as I've been focusing on collabs, made it hard to dabble into RPM listens.
From those opening bass notes, I knew I made the wrong choice in what I spent my listening time on. A favourite right out of the gate.
That hook is a thing of beauty. So simple, and so complex. I love it.
**Song-writing Demo for FAWM 2022**
Song number 13
Written Saturday 19th February 2022
UPDATE: 8 Hours after posting I just spotted that I listened to and favourited a song called... um... "We're Done" by oldfolks2 - check it out…
I had your FAWM playlist going and sort of forgot I was supposed to be active listening, but this one pulled me right back into it... then I saw your liner notes. I know the feeling of not being happy with something but needing to get it out, but this is great. I'm curious to see what you do with it, because I think it works far better than you it seems.
You better close the stadium with this one, because all those lighters and voices in unison are going to violate some sort of by-law.
**Song-writing Demo for FAWM 2022**
Song number 3
Written Tuesday 8th February 2022
So, here's today's little ditty.
(I don't know whether folks outside the UK would know what a Chelsea Bun is. I love them, they are extremely yum…
I'm a little perplexed at the narrative, but oh what a great narrative it is. That second verse paints a pretty vivid picture, although I'm a little unsure that being denied pastries is an apt consequence, but then Ive never had a Chelsea Bun.
**Song-writing Demo for FAWM 2022**
Song number 1
Written Sunday 6th February 2022
OK, this is a bit of a departure for me - posting songwriting demos.
This is a one mic recording made this morning in the living room, touch of reverbs…
Congratulations on the FAWM "win", especially with only 23 days to do it. A great start as well.
I share the sentiment on production. Part of me wants to do RPM next year because I wonder if I had too, could I move fast on production? It sounds a lot more exhausting than FAWM, that's for sure.
The calluses from all this bass playing are coming along nicely! This is another RPM song (song 6) where I built the song from a little bass riff. The lyrics include some quotes and/or references - pick them out and win a prize (ha ha…
If you perform, and I find myself in Montreal this summer, I need to check out that show! What an amazing collection you've put together as part of RPM challenge.
My 7th song for the 2022 RPM challenge. This one is a bit more pensive and slow moving. I always love adding harmony. I was thinking of Bjork (who I love) when I wrote it. I included some flute so my sister can play along next time we jam…
Ohhhh, this I like a lot! I hear the Bjork, but I'm also getting a lot of a Sade vibe during the verse, which is a peanut butter and chocolate combination that I would have never expected. I want more!
Song 9# for my RPM 2022. I don't know how it happened, but I ended up with a bit of an alternative quasi-delta blues here. I walk a lot of country roads at night so..... The harmonies were fun. Thanks to anyone who listens! Onward…
Dig the variety of styles track to track with your voice being the only obvious connective tissue. This is a nice take on the Delta Blues style, clear influence, but it doesn’t seems derivative or like a pastiche.
Well...This is song #10 for my 2022 RPM challenge- the final track for my "album". It's a bit like two songs that found each other somehow. That makes for a very long track! eek. Thank you to everyone who has been listening to my…
This is really interesting. Beautiful harmony, and I like how light the production is without being simple.
BTW, thanks for the listens and comments. I just kept on cranking away on FAWM, but I appreciated them.
Comments on Spazsquatch's stuff
Bad pun or not... I saw the title and it made me click! Cool track. Yeah that works for me
That riff drew me in good one
Very fitting for our times...great lyrics. I like the hard driving bass and without guitar actually. Your FAWM must almost be done! (love the "welcome to violence" voice
nice rocker , great track ......cheers tony cee
Fun groove! This is really great and professional quality. Chorus is very catchy too. Congrats
Great to hear you again! Great the organ. Your FAWM is in full swing. Who knew what a poisonous plant could inspire :)
like it , great groove ,.....cheers tony cee
oh yeah.....I'm a punk fan so this hits the mark! Great energy that bridge....hilarious!!! Well done (definitely fits your band name too).
oh yes! This is awesome and professional. Wow. Vocals great & catchy electric guitar's got all the goods. Your collaboration is producing some great music! Looking forward to hearing the whole album when it's done. (ps. thanks for the listens and the fun feedback)
very cool song. Love those lyrics and a great groove. I also like the way it ends. Great to hear you again!
another great collaboration! Love those lyrics (and where you're talking is super cool too). Excellent mix of styles in this too.
Cool song! I love that title too. The vocals are great....creates a great vibe. These challenges bring out such great music.
That's a great way to write a song! Love it. Has a cool Shuggie Otis vibe.
oh yeah....I love the synth feel to this. Those vocals are great and wild too...amazing feeling!!! Love it.
Wow! Nicely done and great collaboration (those are always the best). Congrats on your FAWM!!! I was away for a while's a treat to come back and listen to the finished creations.
A mighty fine set of songs. A cool listen.
Love the lyrics and delivery on this.
Woah! That's a cool track.
Woo. Love that insistent riff in the background.
Nicely done! I really like the idea too.....subtext - great theme. You're almost done your Great job.
Comments made by Spazsquatch
Great job on the production, this really hits that live band jam vibe, and it's a very nice vibe indeed.
I love how raw this is. The vocal performance is incredibly sharp but the phrasing is so incredibly chaotic in the verse sections, like I have no idea what rhythm or meter the lyrics are following by the time you get to the hook and then it's just snapped right back into the flow. I'm not sure if this is a demo, but keep that, it really works.
Mmm, mmm. you may not know, but keep doing it. I love how bare this arrangement is.
I really like this. It reminds me of the early industrial stuff, bits of Skinny Puppy? The vocal work gives it a completely different feel, but the bass and drums pound.
Never get tired of this style. So good.
You're voice is incredible, but oh man are you're arrangements something special. They are so sparse, but just have such momentum. If you stopped posting your RPM tracks, my FAWM's would be a little worse.
I love the vocal layering, I want to say its "haunting", but that's not the word. Enigmatic perhaps? I don't know, something resonates with me... resonant? Am I having writers block in a comment?
You are very good at this. 😀
This is great, I feel like that scale is a cheat code though. Although I couldn't just slap it into one of my songs and expect it to work, so maybe not a cheat. As someone who can get 7-8 snaps before I have all the percussive bite of a rabbit landing on a velvet blanket, that is indeed an impressive run.
Hey, thanks for the comments and listens. I was getting notices in my in-box and wanted to jump over and I've been waiting for a chance to check out what you've been doing. Been harder to keep up with FAWM this year as I've been focusing on collabs, made it hard to dabble into RPM listens. From those opening bass notes, I knew I made the wrong choice in what I spent my listening time on. A favourite right out of the gate. That hook is a thing of beauty. So simple, and so complex. I love it.
I had your FAWM playlist going and sort of forgot I was supposed to be active listening, but this one pulled me right back into it... then I saw your liner notes. I know the feeling of not being happy with something but needing to get it out, but this is great. I'm curious to see what you do with it, because I think it works far better than you it seems. You better close the stadium with this one, because all those lighters and voices in unison are going to violate some sort of by-law.
I'm a little perplexed at the narrative, but oh what a great narrative it is. That second verse paints a pretty vivid picture, although I'm a little unsure that being denied pastries is an apt consequence, but then Ive never had a Chelsea Bun.
Congratulations on the FAWM "win", especially with only 23 days to do it. A great start as well. I share the sentiment on production. Part of me wants to do RPM next year because I wonder if I had too, could I move fast on production? It sounds a lot more exhausting than FAWM, that's for sure.
Am I allowed to comment twice? So tasty. This could easily be one of the best songs I have heard in a few years.
If you perform, and I find myself in Montreal this summer, I need to check out that show! What an amazing collection you've put together as part of RPM challenge.
Ohhhh, this I like a lot! I hear the Bjork, but I'm also getting a lot of a Sade vibe during the verse, which is a peanut butter and chocolate combination that I would have never expected. I want more!
Dig the variety of styles track to track with your voice being the only obvious connective tissue. This is a nice take on the Delta Blues style, clear influence, but it doesn’t seems derivative or like a pastiche.
This is really interesting. Beautiful harmony, and I like how light the production is without being simple. BTW, thanks for the listens and comments. I just kept on cranking away on FAWM, but I appreciated them.
Came across this in the "latest" playlist and it demanded I stop and listen. Great track.