Comments on thetworegs's stuff

thetworegs's avatar
Reg was looking through you tube videos and was shocked at what he saw......... THE PLAGUE OF METH (Lyrics) She seems twisted in her agony her pain is visible its destroyed her tormented…
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Top Lyrics mate very cool track

thetworegs's avatar
Bob and Reg got together tonight down the cellar and came up with this one dedicated to Desirea......Reg didn’t realise at the time but Desirea had got her hooks into Bob as well during her time down the cellar....but hey, all's well in love and…
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Thanks mate

thetworegs's avatar
Bob and Reg got together tonight down the cellar and came up with this one dedicated to Desirea......Reg didn’t realise at the time but Desirea had got her hooks into Bob as well during her time down the cellar....but hey, all's well in love and…
Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Nice one mate great lyrics.

thetworegs's avatar
I was listening to Andy Casson's song Old ladies over on Songcrafters and it got Reg thinking........... could this be the last song i ever Reg went down the cellar to write a one chord song using only the notes that make…
vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

Is there a connection with Desiree? Who is the real Desiree?

thetworegs's avatar
Bob and Reg got together tonight down the cellar and came up with this one dedicated to Desirea......Reg didn’t realise at the time but Desirea had got her hooks into Bob as well during her time down the cellar....but hey, all's well in love and…
vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

I feel for Bob - he don't deserve the misery that's coming down the road...

thetworegs's avatar
Well Reg has been singing this one with Elvis and he has turned the classic Beatles song into a lullaby......hope you enjoy......... if you stay awake that is.................
Dillon Wager's avatar
Dillon Wager said

I like how you did this. really weird but weird is good. once again, listen to the band, Man Man if you have not. listen to whalebones. you remind me of them. ^.^ nice cover. i hate covers that sound the same, this one def does not. haha keep it up.

thetworegs's avatar
Bob and Reg got together tonight down the cellar and came up with this one dedicated to Desirea......Reg didn’t realise at the time but Desirea had got her hooks into Bob as well during her time down the cellar....but hey, all's well in love and…
Dillon Wager's avatar
Dillon Wager said

i been recommending your page to fellow songwriters man. people need to hear this. thanks for being awesome.

thetworegs's avatar
Reg found spotty Pete on the ledge of the apartment building ......about to was all a bit bizarre Pete was mumbling something about meeting the Devil and what his Mummy had told him.............. MUMMY TOLD ME…
Dillon Wager's avatar
Dillon Wager said

eerie but beautiful. impressed!

thetworegs's avatar
Well Reg has found himself in some difficult times in the past and has needed his time in the Asylum just to let time catch up with his mind.........this track is about such a time...when his affair with lovemebaby turned sour.....
Dillon Wager's avatar
Dillon Wager said

my favorite track for sure

thetworegs's avatar
Bob and Reg got together tonight down the cellar and came up with this one dedicated to Desirea......Reg didn’t realise at the time but Desirea had got her hooks into Bob as well during her time down the cellar....but hey, all's well in love and…
Dillon Wager's avatar
Dillon Wager said

my fav right now :) gonna be in my head. I looove your vocal style. great great stuff. thanks for posting. I really enjoy hearing this work.

thetworegs's avatar
Reg was looking through you tube videos and was shocked at what he saw......... THE PLAGUE OF METH (Lyrics) She seems twisted in her agony her pain is visible its destroyed her tormented…
Dillon Wager's avatar
Dillon Wager said

Thanks man. im trying to improve the vocals. If the right person hears your stuff, youll be famous one day. ^.^

thetworegs's avatar
Reg was looking through you tube videos and was shocked at what he saw......... THE PLAGUE OF METH (Lyrics) She seems twisted in her agony her pain is visible its destroyed her tormented…
The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co's avatar
The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co said

Cool, dark music and lyrics, very 1960'sish.

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has never been to America but he loves the idea of the freedom of such a huge country with so much one day he’s going to get himself a ticket and find out for himself.......mean while he’ll have to do with writing songs about…
The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co's avatar
The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co said

Great song, now that I've listened to it, like the piano.

thetworegs's avatar
Well Reg has found himself in some difficult times in the past and has needed his time in the Asylum just to let time catch up with his mind.........this track is about such a time...when his affair with lovemebaby turned sour.....
Dillon Wager's avatar
Dillon Wager said

omg! you need to be famous

thetworegs's avatar
I was listening to Andy Casson's song Old ladies over on Songcrafters and it got Reg thinking........... could this be the last song i ever Reg went down the cellar to write a one chord song using only the notes that make…
Dillon Wager's avatar
Dillon Wager said

great work again. your songwriting is so phenomenal. amazed. gonna have this one stuck in my head. ^.^

thetworegs's avatar
Reg woke from his nightmare gasping for breath.....but it was ok it was only a was only a dream....wasn't it?
Dillon Wager's avatar
Dillon Wager said

Youre sooo good!! I hope you're making money doing this. do you listen to Man Man? If you dont its up your alley broman. Dont stop being awesome. You have a great style. love it

thetworegs's avatar
Bob and Reg got together tonight down the cellar and came up with this one dedicated to Desirea......Reg didn’t realise at the time but Desirea had got her hooks into Bob as well during her time down the cellar....but hey, all's well in love and…
Dillon Wager's avatar
Dillon Wager said

Im digging this, man. wild

thetworegs's avatar
Bob and Reg got together tonight down the cellar and came up with this one dedicated to Desirea......Reg didn’t realise at the time but Desirea had got her hooks into Bob as well during her time down the cellar....but hey, all's well in love and…
Vestigial Remorse's avatar
Vestigial Remorse said

I really like that I never know what to expect next from your posts :) Cool song, keep 'em coming :)

thetworegs's avatar
Reg has never been to America but he loves the idea of the freedom of such a huge country with so much one day he’s going to get himself a ticket and find out for himself.......mean while he’ll have to do with writing songs about…
The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co's avatar
The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co said

I think you may be slightly disappointed, have you watched the news recently lol ... it won't play oh no what's going on!!

thetworegs's avatar
Reg found spotty Pete on the ledge of the apartment building ......about to was all a bit bizarre Pete was mumbling something about meeting the Devil and what his Mummy had told him.............. MUMMY TOLD ME…
Guest said

Regs, this is amazingly bizarre! Very clever!
