Fantastic, I feel this one, I am there with you, deadly musical imagination you have. You sure there are only two Regs. sounds like a room full of the damn Reg dudes.
George Gershwin in 1926 composed 3 preludes for piano. George synthesized American Jazz and European classical music to make a very recognizable musical voice.
1st song ever written for my wife( soon to be back then) in '97. I always loved the honesty in this one. Recorded @ Urban Geek Studios in '97, all parts performed by Hook.
Another one written around '94-'95. Don't remember why I wrote it but I always loved the tune. I'm on vocals, all guitars & sax at the end. Justin Lineberry on organ, Chris Carmichael on bass and Forest Young on drums. Recorded @ Urban Geek…
Dirty Weed by The Old Grey Wolf Ltd Co
So they tell you don't smoke, that dirty weed
And they say that your weak, for nicotine
And they say you can't smoke, that sacred weed
It's a man-made law, but it's a natural treat
So they tell you…
I dreamed I met a Galilean;
A most amazing man.
He had that look you very rarely find:
The haunting, hunted kind.
I asked him to say what had happened,
How it all began.
I asked again, he never said a word.
As if he hadn't heard.
a character disorder
I've got a character disorder
you know they say I've got a borderline
personality disorder
and I'm sick of taking orders
like a waiter or or a nun
I want to be the one that gives the orders
I hate the nurses…
The passport, acapulco and finding out about the affair with Reg was the final straw ithe saga of Desirea and Reg is finally over Reg has drawn a line in the sand and stepped over it. It over and done he washes his hands of her. So he went out…
Comments on thetworegs's stuff
Super cool!!
Pretty cool. Really like the backing vocals. Great feel to this! Thanks for recent comment on my song Tuba Man!
Fantastic, I feel this one, I am there with you, deadly musical imagination you have. You sure there are only two Regs. sounds like a room full of the damn Reg dudes.
love this!
Great tune you nailed it.
Unhinged is a great way to make super fine music. This rocks hard for such a quite track.
Thats the kind of song I like, sure do, sure do.
Comments made by thetworegs
love it......
excellent...........took me on a ride
Great vocal....nice feel to this too...shaping up to be a great album
Excellent guitar love the feel of it....just beautiful
A great little runaround........
receiving loud and clear...Autumn
excellent cover.....great performance.......loved it...
Hey!...Why can't we.....
Welcome to the other-side ...Great vocal & Music as always .........
a nice mellow protest.......
Funky Francis would have loved it......I did
One of my favourite musicals too........
Magic......... Fav'd again
Too right Norm the lessons been learned ......i've been burned so bad it's been cauterised ................
excellent with a slight trace of J page