Fantastic, I feel this one, I am there with you, deadly musical imagination you have. You sure there are only two Regs. sounds like a room full of the damn Reg dudes.
This is one of those I made it up as I went along songs. Started with some chords to a click track and well it just had a life of it's own. Loosely based on some personal musical memories and a fantastic musician I had the pleasure of playing…
Words and Music by OsCKilO
Hungry we can stumble
Pray or prowl
Weary should we tumble
We won't fall
Rise hope.
Tired but a moment
More than trial
Synergy will Equate
Watch us take the problem
Strip it down, Pair it up…
Here we go.
This one started out one morning several weeks ago when the sun was still shining...
If it's as wet and dark as it is here, just close your eyes, I'm sure you can imagine it if you try hard enough...
Lollies, chips, and beer…
I've posted this "Naked" version because Mrs Russe wanted me to... :-)
It wasn't "finished" in my mind - there was a certain amount of "orchestration" to come.
But I ended up liking the starkness of this version.
The original intention…
A song about, well, s**t happens, but all in all, it's alright. Thanks to TwoRegs (singing), Freight Drive Reprobate (singing and harmonica)and Lady Jane (Singing in posh mode). Hope you like.
A song about, well, s**t happens, but all in all, it's alright. Thanks to TwoRegs (singing), Freight Drive Reprobate (singing and harmonica)and Lady Jane (Singing in posh mode). Hope you like.
Excellent........I want a gong like that a King and I feel to it for me....I can imagine Yul Brinner in all his majesty......excellent
Okay , this may be my last Hendrix cover for awhile. I have been itching to record a few new original songs that are waiting in the wings. These covers were fun to do and I discovered alot about the songs I didnt no before. On this one I added…
You never would have caught me playing this genre a few years ago. WHat the hell happened ??
All the instruments were recorded with an open mic at my house. Which, as you know is always a chaotic place to record :) If you listen hard enough…
This is a recording of Norm and me playing together a few months ago. I didnt have any percussion instruments so Norm was on a Roland electric trap set and I had a cello. I looped some of the stuff we did that night, and retrofitted the rest…
Well, I had this crazy idea that *maybe* Buddy Guy was using some microtonal inflections in his cover of Tramp (which are what the "blue notes" are and thought it would be cool to cover it with my fretless guitar. As it turned out it was my ear…
Well i got the £16 special out and Bon came down the cellar for a visit last night it was a shame Angus didn't as the lead is a bit limp but hey!! were trying down with some finger drums.......
Helter Skelter (Lyrics)
i ain’t…
oooh!! Yeah!! Dr.J......say Aaaah again Lady Jane..........i think i need some Penadrine......Whats Penadrine?? must be good if it makes you laugh like that..........Great stuff....
I use to have a studio in a small city and most days I would see these two fella's walking the streets or asking for some change. They were a visual part of my life so much that if I didn't see them for a day or two I would wonder where they went…
I've been messing and listening to a lot of Tom Waites i suppose his influence has rubbed of a bit ...well a little anyway...........
I want the love (Lyrics)
Crawling in the gutter trying to stand with phone
To tell you that I love you…
Here we go.
This one started out one morning several weeks ago when the sun was still shining...
If it's as wet and dark as it is here, just close your eyes, I'm sure you can imagine it if you try hard enough...
Lollies, chips, and beer…
Comments on thetworegs's stuff
Pretty cool. Really like the backing vocals. Great feel to this! Thanks for recent comment on my song Tuba Man!
Fantastic, I feel this one, I am there with you, deadly musical imagination you have. You sure there are only two Regs. sounds like a room full of the damn Reg dudes.
love this!
Great tune you nailed it.
Unhinged is a great way to make super fine music. This rocks hard for such a quite track.
Thats the kind of song I like, sure do, sure do.
Comments made by thetworegs
Ooooh yeah!!
Made it your own.......
Excellent video.......
Still loving it ........
Naked is nice ....loving the musical feel to it like something of fiddler on the roof ........beautiful vocal......
Loving that harp snoop.......
Eeeh!! It turned out nice again. ....
Ooooh la la o with her head ..........
Excellent........I want a gong like that a King and I feel to it for me....I can imagine Yul Brinner in all his majesty......excellent
You've made this one your own James love the interplay with the backing vocals.......great job..........
You should put the Gibson down more often if this is the result.....another Beauty"......
Quack quack BANG!!!"........a great listen on this sunny Sunday morning
Missed this intimate little it ....
Ooh yeah we'll done Gentlemen .....letting loose......a bit late to the party but got here none the less......
Now with a video.............
oooh!! Yeah!! Dr.J......say Aaaah again Lady Jane..........i think i need some Penadrine......Whats Penadrine?? must be good if it makes you laugh like that..........Great stuff....
I cant for the life of me figure how to put the video with this song so here it is ...
Oh!you are awful....but i do like your Honkey tonk.....