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by thetworegs


Alright Now: I'm gonna get gone: eshar & thetworegs

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eshar asked me “if you ever feel like supplying some funky vocals…that would be awesome!
.” I said “yes” instantly because i love what she comes up with. Here is the first attempt, all words are made up on the moment with no retakes. I think it has potential? Hope you like it. James Brown must be rolling in his grave…….

Guest said

Raw funk. I like it!

Guest said

Super funky bass line. LOVE it!

Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Nice one mate dig it

Guest said

Can't help dancin' to this!

Guest said

:-) Totally cooks!

Sandy Gritt's avatar
Sandy Gritt said

sweet funky ass...gimme some mo!

mr-glen's avatar
mr-glen said

Love it mate, sounds great. Happy Christmas my friend

Guest said

Is that Sly Stone singing!?! Great!!

epimeison's avatar
epimeison said

Very cool!

Guest said

Yes, potential definitely! Nice work!

Guest said

Funky cool tune.

Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Super tight collab, nice one!

Guest said

love it Regs!

Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

So funky it hurts parts of my body, sharp yet pleasurable pain I am feeling. A painfully deep groove here guys.

kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

OH Yeah- definite potential there. You two will make a hell of a team!
