Comments on thetworegs's stuff

thetworegs's avatar
A sad tango of a song ....... Karli & Frank Karli gin soaked sat on the bench She didn’t know where she was or what she was gonna do Her head was gone to the clouds Her head a mash of everything she was mean…
tonycee's avatar
tonycee said

brilliant , love it the vocal is brill and the lyrics top notch superb work ,....cheers tony cee

thetworegs's avatar
Immigration seems to be the top topic of discussion in the UK at the moment.Where I live in the country I don't even notice what the problem is because I live right out in the sticks and hardly see anyone, the only time I notice anything is when…
Natali Lyon's avatar
Natali Lyon said

I like the song)

thetworegs's avatar
Immigration seems to be the top topic of discussion in the UK at the moment.Where I live in the country I don't even notice what the problem is because I live right out in the sticks and hardly see anyone, the only time I notice anything is when…
tonycee's avatar
tonycee said

great track like the vocal ......cheers tony cee

thetworegs's avatar
Reg was strumming and has got to thinking, I know he shouldn't but he has and he thinks the governments of this world have given up on love and understanding. They now want us to hate, hate, hate, hate, be angry, put against one another the haves…
acoustic57's avatar
acoustic57 said

ahh, has that 60s-70s folk rebellion vibe. Slammin' tune!

thetworegs's avatar
Reg was strumming and has got to thinking, I know he shouldn't but he has and he thinks the governments of this world have given up on love and understanding. They now want us to hate, hate, hate, hate, be angry, put against one another the haves…
tonycee's avatar
tonycee said

like it , great guitar work .....cheers tony cee

thetworegs's avatar
I thought I'd try my vocal through the pedal board with this one recorded the guitar on a mic and waffled some words a nice end to a busy day gardening Midday Oh lawdy, lawdy, I saw my baby come to the window and…
tonycee's avatar
tonycee said

you write some catchy tune love the vocal , smart work , well worth the listen ,......cheers tony cee

thetworegs's avatar
Reg was strumming and has got to thinking, I know he shouldn't but he has and he thinks the governments of this world have given up on love and understanding. They now want us to hate, hate, hate, hate, be angry, put against one another the haves…
Spazsquatch's avatar
Spazsquatch said

I love how raw this is. The vocal performance is incredibly sharp but the phrasing is so incredibly chaotic in the verse sections, like I have no idea what rhythm or meter the lyrics are following by the time you get to the hook and then it's just snapped right back into the flow. I'm not sure if this is a demo, but keep that, it really works.

thetworegs's avatar
Possibly the last one for this years RPM The Only thing I feel The wind blew against the window and brought the morning I Sunlight hit the curtain and I’m sure it trying to break on through My senses woke to the smell of tobbaco…
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Oh yes.... A fine set of songs

thetworegs's avatar
I was having a new gear day I received a new pedal for my Bass only £23 so I was playing with it with my eventide H9 and mojo mojo pedal and the tracks developed into this...corruption Hope you enjoy
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said


thetworegs's avatar
Another RPM Reg starts to worry that he's forgetting his loved ones that have passed Your memory fades I can’t see your face no more in my mind With my eyes closed your image starts to fade I forgot your vioce how it…
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Reg has been thinking the same sh!t I have!!! Omigod... I'm not Reg am I? Cool track

thetworegs's avatar
Another for the RPM Reg starts to thinking about things... Why did God give us thought? Everyones afraid of the darkness close your eyes you dissapear Suddenly you are nothing but a voice Syllables of sound a constant…
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

This drives along... nice one. My advice to Reg is to learn not to think - it's what most of they "Normals" do...

thetworegs's avatar
Another RPM Reg is dreaming of summer .... Tangerine I’m lost in myself on this cold Febuary morning Walking the dogs trying to smiling inside But my heart feels sad its yearning for the sunshine Where everything…
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

The sun is shining here. Sadly it means I probably ought to attempt the 1st lawn cut... but there is SO much cat poo...

thetworegs's avatar
Another RPM Things are looking up for Reg I mean its nearly spring Spring I think I hear a whisper I think I hear the whisper Of spring its on its way I can see the snow drops starting to climb back into the world…
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

I'm listening to this 3 weeks later.... and it's MUCH more springlike now... as long as you don't turn the radio or tv on :-/

thetworegs's avatar
Another RPM Reg is looking back on his childhood. Mama says i can't play with you no more I don’t know how I’m gonna tell you But mama says I can’t play with you no more Your not like all the other boys I can’t play with you no…
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Woah... I get the reference/influence... but this takes the idea a whole different place for me. Shivers down the back of my neck (and some memories)

thetworegs's avatar
It all started with a tinkle on the ivories Blue eyed boy some say you’ve got it The gift of the gab The harmonious Tounge That can sing a love song With all the good intentions gone Somewhere some blue eyed boy weeps all…
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Aw yes... love it. And it reminds me - I haven't finished listening to Lonely in the Park :/

thetworegs's avatar
Another RPM Reg has turned matchmaker he's better at that than being a partner himself Love makes their world roll I had a friend who told me, he wasn’t the man he should have been He’d got tangled in his mind and…
A Beautiful Scene's avatar
A Beautiful Scene said

...okay... I am starting to understand the character "Reg" - I think I have to look deeper into your catalog...

thetworegs's avatar
Possibly the last one for this years RPM The Only thing I feel The wind blew against the window and brought the morning I Sunlight hit the curtain and I’m sure it trying to break on through My senses woke to the smell of tobbaco…
tonycee's avatar
tonycee said

sounds great love the vocal , brill......cheers tony cee

thetworegs's avatar
Another RPM Reg is just turning himself inside out Inside out Everything seems inside out My guess is thats what its all about No body knows, how I feel Everythings hidden, no one, has a clue No one knows how I…
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

I've just been trying to explain Reg to Mrs R... decided I can't do it as well as he does himself.

thetworegs's avatar
Another Rpm Reg is still sad ...... A sad song I’m going to sing you a song It won’t take long The story is sad But the story isn’t long I’ll begin the song About a woman who’s dead Died in her sleep alone in her bed…
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

A truly happy ending!!

thetworegs's avatar
Another Rpm Reg is still sad ...... A sad song I’m going to sing you a song It won’t take long The story is sad But the story isn’t long I’ll begin the song About a woman who’s dead Died in her sleep alone in her bed…
Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Loving these.... I'm hearing the ghost of Alex Harvey trying to break through here... probably my imagination.
