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Love me for who i am

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Reg has decided that he doesn’t want hurting again so he has decided to be up front about what he wants……………… Love me for who I am……..

Love me, Love me, for who I am
Love me, take me for what I am
Whisper your secrets, they are safe with me
Shout out your dreams, they may come true
Don’t hold them in or they will break free
Break you in two at the seam
Lets build it up make something clean
Lets run for cover from the rain
We’ve both seen too much, seen too much pain, we don’t want the same again
Love me, Love me, for who I am
Love me, take me for what I am
Don’t tell the lies, the yesterdays have gone
Look down deep in my eyes
You will see a truth, that, I don’t disguise
I am what i say I am
I love you, I’ll hold you close, i’ll hold you close when it starts to rain
I will love you, your not going to have to play those silly games again
Everything is real I don’t want to steal, I don’t want to break your heart again
All I want from you is the same in return, I don’t want to play those silly games

Love me, Love me, for who I am
Love me, take me for what I am
Whisper your secrets, they are safe with me
Shout out your dreams, they can come true
Don’t hold them in or they will break free
Break you in two at the seams
so, Lets build it up make something clean
Lets run for cover, let’s run for cover from the rain
We’ve both seen pain, we’ve done all that, we don’t want the same again
Love me, Love me, for who I am
Love me, take me for what I am

Noswonky's avatar
Noswonky said

This song is the complete opposite of 'Pink Cadillac'.

Cave Street's avatar
Cave Street said

awesome track!

albinoSQUIRREL (Todd Larsen)'s avatar
albinoSQUIRREL (Todd Larsen) said

Aahhhh yes. i love a good piano tune! Nice stand up bass too. Love those dramatic vocals! This song has a nice, universal theme that everyone can relate to. Cool.

igor's avatar
igor said

~By Mother Goose~ In fact, the only thing that each of us wants to hear is that we're loved, always. Loved no matter what we are and what we do. It's in us from childhood (though someone will say - from God). Or from mother nature.

igor's avatar
igor said

~hopeless..?~ Crowd from the outside, it sounds louder. The same. Again. It comes and comes. Talks didn't helps. We saw, we saw...

richardlaceves's avatar
richardlaceves said

love the lyric/poetry,,,, i am amazed that you continually, create/find such stories to tell,,,

Guest said

That came from the heart.

Guest said

Super piano+lyrical surface project...Brilliant!

Guest said

This is really unique. Love the simplicity, and the lyrics are excellent

Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

Jeeze guys, what incredible lyrics. In between all the fun and goofing going on down in that cellar of yours, there is some damn fine songs being created out of the shadows and dirt of the cellar floor. This one is brilliant, good Reg sirs, brilliant I say.

Newbold's avatar
Newbold said

Loven this: the piano is great. I think I have done similar at times on the piano just no lyrics.

Guest said

Well, Reg gets my vote for being up front about it!
