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Song for Desiree

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The other Reg has put his lounge suit on for this one, he’s desperate………and some might say a fool….but is as bigger fool as Reg………….

lgh's avatar
lgh said

Damn Dude! What can I possibly say to do this justice? I'm in love with this'n Reg! Please tell the other Reg for me, that I am a fan.... LG

Guest said

Oh my, this is lovely! Gorgeous music and percussion. Love your vox. "Bring your credit card" Reg, wake up!

vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

Here, Ladies and Gentle, and Desiree too, is a man who has gone totally off the edge of reality and is in a basket with a case number...

Norm's avatar
Norm said

Reggikins??? Good grief. A desperate fool. Predictible. Don't forget your credit card Reg - this one is going to cost you more ways than one. (Fantastic vocals)

Guest said

Aw Reggikins, this is lovely! And you know I like it when you are desperate. And you found my earing! Yeah! Bring it to me in Rio - I'm already at the Acapulco. And bring your lounge suit. Oh, And your credit card. ;) ( I mailed your passport to you days ago... Have you received it yet??)
