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Reg's favourite movie


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This is a synopsis of Reg’s favourite movie put to music. Sorry about the length but what can you do, when you have a story to tell, you can’t cut it short can you? This is one to download for the car to listen to on that boring journey or when you have time on your hands. Reg did think of cutting it into three but he thinks it should be heard all at once, just like the movie. How long did it take you to guess which movie it was, if at all that is? Did you last it out to the end?……………………………………….

Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

This is flipping wacked.....and I mean that in the nicest possible defination of the word.......wacked I say.

Norm's avatar
Norm said

That is an awesome movie.

Guest said

Ha ha this is great. I agree with Mr. Russo: Something kept me listening ha ha "What We Have Here Is A FAAAAAAIL-YER to communicate"

Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

And I even made it to the end... Nearly gave up after I guessed, but something kept me listening... the fact that the missus wants me to do some cleaning might have helped... but it wasn't just that... Fascinating journey

Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

2 minutes to suspect... 5 and a half to actually guess... another minute to confirm title by searching Google in another window... You're a crazy man! :)

igor's avatar
igor said

~...he was just stutterer, Reggy~ I was here until the end and realized not all, of what was here. Why d-do they look at-t-t me, hmm? :-)

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