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28 Days: Working Harder Mix

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This song is about the RPM Challenge; having 28 days (yes, I cheated, this year we get 29) to write and record a 10 song album. The illustrious Ghost Tea ( added some rhymes to make it extra special!

The Jet-Black Project's avatar
The Jet-Black Project said

On first blush I got a Napoleon Dynamite vibe because of the keys. But it's way cooler than that. Awesome vocals, drums and keys. A head bobber for sure. Easily one of the best RPM songs about RPM. Oh, and those rap sections -- hell yeah!!

Vegetable Man's avatar
Vegetable Man said

this is great - love it..such an interesting blend of sounds

Keith Landry's avatar
Keith Landry said

"And if it leads to pain, then it leads to pain." Great take on setting out on the RPM warpath.

Guest said

Great RPM album! Refreshing, very cool songs, and the arrangements are crazy great - kind of like classic folk meets The Doors, meets Duran Duran.

Guest said

Wow, digging those keys!

James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

