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City After You

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Love made me do it…and I’m glad.

Guest said

Ample cool in this track. (Sister City. Liking it.)

Vegetable Man's avatar
Vegetable Man said

great lyrics and tune - it made me laugh to see the spaceman as one of your influences...i grew up in mass. in the 70's and saw him more than once at!!

Rick Phillips's avatar
Rick Phillips said

Everything works on this, very cool song

Guest said

You've got a cool voice man.

launched's avatar
launched said

One of my favorite songs by you, Sandman. Except for "Do" of course :) Ballistic!

Guest said

That's good. like those vocals

Guest said

cool album cover man.

Guest said

cool the vocals. Enjoyed listening. Welcome to alonetone! Glad you are here.

launched's avatar
launched said

I see the Grittmeister is up and running!!!! Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet!!!!!!!!

Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Tharek Ali Mokbul said

Love This Tune!!! The Hook and Chorus makes Thisis a Winner for me!!!!
