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10 Changing For The Better

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Self-consciously pet-soundsy guitar solo, a teen angsty lyric and an cappella ending and. Who say’s I listen to too much Beach-Boys?

Why don’t we walk away while we still have the chance
Why do we dance
with blood upon our hands
Messy hearts through failed romance
Start back at square one again

Why do we drive each wild then up the wall
A thousand miles doesn’t seem that high at all
Sticky hearts will break our fall
So open the door, pull the cord - here I come tumbling and spinning

Although I know that you’re no good for me
And we never really proved that rough was worth the smooth
You always show that you’ve in love with me
So maybe we are changing

We won’t let go
Of hot things that we’ve got
We burn our hands
Afraid to let them drop
Squeezed hearts tend to bleed a lot
Slippy puddles of blood again

We don’t believe our eyes when full of tears
We try to forget, forgive, let live and live
And leave behind our fears
Broken hearts beaten up again
So open the door, pull the cord - here I come tumbling and spinning

Although I know that you’re no good for me
And we never really proved that rough was worth the smooth
You always show that you’ve in love with me
So maybe we are changing for the better
Maybe we are changing

Orphans's avatar
Orphans said

its been a busy few weeks and im just getting round to your everything...this one espescially
