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11 Note Values

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A silly song questioning the value of using songs to get a message across. Just say ‘sorry’ - don’t write me an opera about it.

Incidentally the note choices in this song really did hurt me.

New lies
Written like you cared for me
A few lines
With apathy but flair
Words losing meaning when sung in harmony

New verse
Peppered now with honest
And I do hurt
Too lonely to repair
Words losing power now
To paper over hate
Too late

Note choices hurt me
Recalling the tunes we played together
Note choices hurt me
Can you hear
Note how my voice is cracking
Under the pressure
And pain

New tongues
And lashings of verbosity
But a few songs
Simple and sincere
Words losing value
So I spend them all at once

Note choices hurt me
Recalling the tunes we played together
Note choices hurt me
Can you hear
Note how my voice is cracking
Under the pressure
And pain

02bfree's avatar
02bfree said

Complex layering. Nicely done.

Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Brilliant mate very well done.

kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Really nice song writing!
