Comments on vaisvil's stuff

vaisvil's avatar
more for improvfriday
Guest said

Thay sound real, are they? Well played!

vaisvil's avatar
ambient in 11 edo and harmonic series
Guest said

Oh, look at his dear little face! Interesting chipping noises I heard in there. A very vibration rich, most eerie, especially the long, fading note at the end.

vaisvil's avatar
is a mash featuring Benjamin Smith (piano), Paul Mimlitsch x 2 (bass recorder and bass clarinet), Lydia Busler-Blais (horn), and myself (percussion) – all tracks manipulated – the tuning is nominally 12 equal, however, there is enough pitch bending…
Guest said

Ooo, I see this one is going to be an epic! headphones in place, ok go ..... That was a journey into the secret hive! Beautifully done. I can appreciate the work that goes into ambient music, too clever for me!

vaisvil's avatar
epimeison's avatar
epimeison said


vaisvil's avatar
live, with all of the mistakes. you get what you pay for I guess. for improvfriday this week.
Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Very nice

vaisvil's avatar
live, with all of the mistakes. you get what you pay for I guess. for improvfriday this week.
Guest said

good jam

vaisvil's avatar
an ambient piece using 19 edo + harmonic series tuned synthesizers, 17 edo electric guitar, and unconstrained pitch metallic objects (I was allowed to sample a metal work shop).
Newbold's avatar
Newbold said

there should be dialogs about these songs in chat areas on each page sometimes, betting that is what is going on at the site of yours where you post. :)

vaisvil's avatar
an ambient piece using 19 edo + harmonic series tuned synthesizers, 17 edo electric guitar, and unconstrained pitch metallic objects (I was allowed to sample a metal work shop).
launched's avatar
launched said

Trance inducing, love it

vaisvil's avatar
an ambient piece using 19 edo + harmonic series tuned synthesizers, 17 edo electric guitar, and unconstrained pitch metallic objects (I was allowed to sample a metal work shop).
Guest said

It certainly resonates! Are the delicate hammering noises the forge sounds? Then there are the buzzings! Or am I mistaken? This is very well done.

vaisvil's avatar
17 edo electric guitar
Guest said

Weird and wonderful!

vaisvil's avatar
17 edo electric guitar
Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Different and interesting.

vaisvil's avatar
If the baby falls The crib shall age empty all of the earth which ever lived creation everyday if the baby falls it would leave the crib quite solo The sources who join to nurture cries and giggles Won't change diapers anymore If our baby falls…
Guest said

neat-0! Illegal Alien

vaisvil's avatar
If the baby falls The crib shall age empty all of the earth which ever lived creation everyday if the baby falls it would leave the crib quite solo The sources who join to nurture cries and giggles Won't change diapers anymore If our baby falls…
launched's avatar
launched said

Yes - I love it.

vaisvil's avatar
Guest said


vaisvil's avatar
Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

Suspenseful and Interesting. M O R E W I N E

vaisvil's avatar
If the baby falls The crib shall age empty all of the earth which ever lived creation everyday if the baby falls it would leave the crib quite solo The sources who join to nurture cries and giggles Won't change diapers anymore If our baby falls…
Guest said

The lyric is ambiguous certainly but reading Evan's explanation, it is now clear. Thanks! The guitar playing is gorgeous..... More of that please, she said cheekily!

vaisvil's avatar
richardlaceves's avatar
richardlaceves said

very nice

vaisvil's avatar
Guest said


vaisvil's avatar
Guest said

Ah lovely, just my cup of tea! I think she had a bottle by 3 mins! Bethan

vaisvil's avatar
For three synthesizers in 22 edo and Chinese gongs.
Guest said

Sounds like the story of a volcanic disturbance until peace reigns again. Spectacular! Bee
