Comments on vaisvil's stuff

vaisvil's avatar
solo piano 22 edo
Guest said

נחמד מאוד!!

vaisvil's avatar
Ever have a song you know is ugly and horrific but you love anyway? This is one of those from 1997 and recorded in Cakewalk Pro Audio. The piece is was totally improvised starting with the drum line which I had the drum machine in "learn" mode…
Guest said

from time to time? for this...hmmmnnn very distortion craft 3rd shred.

vaisvil's avatar
From last February... I'm not sure where I'm going - its late - I'm tired so I may be out of my mind. several absynths pianoteq heavily modified session 3 drums through guitar rig stratocastor through guitar rig vocoded voice via korg ms2000…
KraftiM's avatar
KraftiM said

soo long and yet soooo rewarding. Great trip....

vaisvil's avatar
solo piano 22 edo
Norm's avatar
Norm said

Hey, isn't that George Burns?

vaisvil's avatar
Ever have a song you know is ugly and horrific but you love anyway? This is one of those from 1997 and recorded in Cakewalk Pro Audio. The piece is was totally improvised starting with the drum line which I had the drum machine in "learn" mode…
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

That's quite the trip!

vaisvil's avatar
Ever have a song you know is ugly and horrific but you love anyway? This is one of those from 1997 and recorded in Cakewalk Pro Audio. The piece is was totally improvised starting with the drum line which I had the drum machine in "learn" mode…
Guest said

It's because it is so cleverly done and there is a little bit of the lover of the dark side in most of us. I have never heard anything like it, and the percussion, wow.

vaisvil's avatar
solo piano 22 edo
Doc & Lena Selyanina's avatar
Doc & Lena Selyanina said

A most sympathetic track title and the musical implementation has a proper 'auntie character' too! :-)

vaisvil's avatar
Ever have a song you know is ugly and horrific but you love anyway? This is one of those from 1997 and recorded in Cakewalk Pro Audio. The piece is was totally improvised starting with the drum line which I had the drum machine in "learn" mode…
Guest said

cool. Hey, Vais how do you get those pics in the about section?

vaisvil's avatar
Norm's percussion strummed electric mandolin ebow electric mandolin piano voice snippet
Dave Berry's avatar
Dave Berry said

dang what an amazing sound here, fantastic.

vaisvil's avatar
Norm's percussion strummed electric mandolin ebow electric mandolin piano voice snippet
Guest said

I love the mandolin and the piano together, and Norm's perky percussion is great. Lovely track.

vaisvil's avatar
Norm's percussion strummed electric mandolin ebow electric mandolin piano voice snippet
Norm's avatar
Norm said

I dig that ebowed electric mandolin! Thanks for carrying me, Chris!

vaisvil's avatar
solo piano 22 edo
Guest said

very cool Vais!

vaisvil's avatar
Norm's percussion strummed electric mandolin ebow electric mandolin piano voice snippet
launched's avatar
launched said

Sweet track, guys - I love it!

vaisvil's avatar
solo piano 22 edo
launched's avatar
launched said

Very cool - I dig the photo too :)

vaisvil's avatar
There is a video for this below Its all a bit cliche I know - but its what I wanted to do. All of the video footage was taken by me in an undisclosed location somewhere. This is a microtonal piano improvisation that uses Lucy tuning 0b6s meantone…
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Very Beautiful! Interesting tuning as well

vaisvil's avatar
Norm's percussion strummed electric mandolin ebow electric mandolin piano voice snippet
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Cool! Those mandolins make for a great texture

vaisvil's avatar
Norm's percussion strummed electric mandolin ebow electric mandolin piano voice snippet
Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Is that you playing guitar? just curious from your other tracks. Very nice!!!

vaisvil's avatar
Norm's percussion strummed electric mandolin ebow electric mandolin piano voice snippet
Guest said

Faved and saved! so good!

vaisvil's avatar
Norm's percussion strummed electric mandolin ebow electric mandolin piano voice snippet
MusicManiac 's avatar
MusicManiac said

Sounds Cool!

vaisvil's avatar
Norm's percussion strummed electric mandolin ebow electric mandolin piano voice snippet
Guest said

Great mix guys.
