vaisvil's listening history

thetworegs's avatar
Well it's hit poor old Reg hard today that it's finally over between him and Desirea so he's written a blues song to exorcise his pain........I've actually tried to put my own drum beat down on this one by using the keyboard as my drums and working…
thetworegs's avatar
This one is for a fest over on Songcrafters called Live in the Living room. I've been trying to play it properly.... seems for hours but my fingers hurt so much i've thrown the towl in and this one will have to do until i can play better…
angie fights crime's avatar
Vocals, bass and acoustic guitar by Dave Tanner. Drums, keys, lead guitar studio production by Aaron Crawford. Recorded and mixed Sept. 6 and Sept. 13 at Resistance Recording. Engineered by Aaron Crawford from the album "Sunny, sorta…
am/fm dreams's avatar
Written by Brent Kinder (Angie Fights Crime) Performed and recorded by am/fm dreams
vaisvil's avatar
A composition from my 1999 album Alien Air
vaisvil's avatar
A composition from my 1999 album Alien Air
vaisvil's avatar
Well, I had this crazy idea that *maybe* Buddy Guy was using some microtonal inflections in his cover of Tramp (which are what the "blue notes" are and thought it would be cool to cover it with my fretless guitar. As it turned out it was my ear…
skiks/bruce hamilton's avatar
possibly finished opening track from upcoming Skiks release on the split-notes label.
thetworegs's avatar
Well tonight we have Mr. Waites in the cellar only for one song but oh what a song it was he sang it for us to celebrate our new single life and to express where our love for Desirea was the Cold Cold Ground......... (They dropped the…
thetworegs's avatar
After the other Reg knew that i found out about his affair with Desirea he's done the right thing to save thetworegs and finished with her, he wanted Elvis to help him out on this one he wouldn't he was a little upset at his behaviour. So the…