vaisvil's listening history

thetworegs's avatar
This one is about remembering the feelings of watching Tv as a child in England when we only had three channels but everyone watched them .......
Breaking Light's avatar
Here's a "live" thing, if it can be called that, if one performs in a public place and there's no audience, can you call it "live"...? If you'd like to hear the rest of the set, go here:…
Reefwalker's avatar
This is a collab tune which was originally written by Tad Rees (aka Solo). He plays the Keyboard.synth, and I did the guitar and drums. The last half blends with his original which can be heard in completion at : http://www.traxinspace…
thetworegs's avatar
Yeh!! He is back from the black. Let's celebrate........
coelocanth's avatar
Doodling around with Moog Filtatron app just to see what it can do. Quite a bit!
thetworegs's avatar
As Dave rightly guessed, Elvis is not dead. He is alive and well living in our cellar in Sheffield. He kindly agrees to do a bit for us now and again, as he is getting on a bit now and gets out of breath easily. So here he is possibly for the…
skiks/bruce hamilton's avatar
mood loop +
Newbold's avatar
long ago when there was a "guitar electric" in my presence I recorded this and edited it in cubase, back when I used cubase, old and somehow interesting?
thetworegs's avatar
She's left, your drunk and on the floor not able to see a future, your friend is trying to help, your not listening, he obviously doesn't understand you need the drink..........
thetworegs's avatar
This is a song i always wanted to have a go at and it wasn't until Johnny let me have a go on his representation of it i got my chance. Thanks Johnny for letting me have a go, may you rest in peace............