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Oh Well


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Winter 1977 / 1978 - band is Clay percussion, Evan guitar and guitar pedals (synth sounds), Mike Barry piano, Mike Craddock bass, and Chris guitar (with echo / volume pedal)

This was the next to last jam of the night

Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

Only just seen your reply on this one - about HAIM's version of the Fleetwood Mac song... I keep getting recommended it on youtube - I shall press play ..... WOW! The reason I keep getting recommended it is because I'm a big fan of Larkin Poe, have you heard of them? Check out their "Tip O the Hat" series of home vids - two sisters, lead and backing vox, six string and... a KILLER lap-steel player (thinking of getting one)(a lap-steel, not a Megan Lovell, she's already taken!)

vaisvil's avatar
vaisvil said

Andrew, sorry - I wasn't even think of that even though I saw a live show video by HAIM where some young ladies from southern California ripped that cover song up! Worth a search!

Andrew Russe's avatar
Andrew Russe said

So I put 77/78 together with the title "Oh Well" and came up with... "wow! they played that?... ummm... er... ok... when does the riff start then??" lol ... Once I got to the end, I realised it obviously wasn't ever going to burst into "I can't help about the shape I'm in / I can't sing, I ain't pretty and my legs are thin"... So I went round again... and appreciated some very cool sounds. In fact, this is mighty cool.

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