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Lockdown (final mix)


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The closing number.


We don’t get to choose our days or chase our past
We only get the ones, we’ve made to cast
but there are things I’d say if I could
and If I was a better man
but under lockdown all I have…

Sweet end of the line
Holds the sound of hope
Sweet end of the line

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Exceptional track folks.

another cultural landslide's avatar
another cultural landslide said

Third times a charm? w;-)

Guest said

Oh jeez...I wasn't logged? See comment below... w;-)

Guest said

Holy Crap - shame on me! I haven't been spending enough time on alonetone! This is ABSOLUTELY beautiful! I love it! w;-)

Guest said


Guest said

Ah, that's melancholy. So full of electric atmosphere.

kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Yes- Very nice! That's a closing number if ever I heard one

Guest said

Good one.

igor's avatar
igor said

~swan-song's closing credits~

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