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Close Your Eyes RPM2013

Wildgeas Music

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Entry #3 RPM 2013

Close Your Eyes

close your eyes , close your eyes maybe you will see
close your eyes ,maybe it will take you back to that place and all the good times that we had when we were skipping stones,can you remember, remember that love we held
now that it’s gone and you are no longer with me no more and I’m picking my heart up in pieces up of this dirty floor
what did i say
How did it all end this way
no more love
it’s tearing me apart
close your eyes
close your eyes , maybe you will see
close your eyes ,maybe it will take you back to that place and all those good times
when we were, skipping stones, can you remember that love we held so tight not to let go

close your eyes and try and wish it all away
then i can hold you near just for one hour one more day
I’ve cried a river of tears and now they dry up in that muddy lake
i feel like i’m dying inside
my heart is rotting away
i hurt when i close my eyes
i hear our song on all the radio’s
i see you when i try to close my eyes and sleep when i’m alone
please close your eyes, maybe you will see the love we held
close your eyes and maybe you will see

2013 - Wildgeas Music
Vocals by Trevor Smith
Lyrics by Heny Grillaska

Cave Street's avatar
Cave Street said

Woah, Reg channeling Roger Waters on this one, eh?

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