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The Moon Behind The Clouds

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A Bit More Better Productions's avatar
A Bit More Better Productions said

s'lovely that. and also made me rap to it. you know you've something special when you hit both those markers!

willis's avatar
willis said

Woo. Really nice. One of those ones where you say to yourself "wish I had done this!"

John Robson's avatar
John Robson said


Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

I like that bass. I like the drums. Oh heck, I like all of it. Great interwoven piece.

Guest said

Heard this as a guest the other day sorry I didn't comment...but anyway, this is super cool. Love the touches.

The Rose Serum Sextet's avatar
The Rose Serum Sextet said

Thanks for all the kind comments on this project, everybody!

Paul Lennon's avatar
Paul Lennon said

Top of the line track.

Guest said

Great atmosphere!

Sister Savage's avatar
Sister Savage said

Dizzying atmosphere...beautifully executed ambience. I partlicularly like the string elements in the latter part.

Guest said

I'm a sucker for cool percussion. Ah, this is lovely!

Nick P's avatar
Nick P said

Cool, airy sounds with a nice mix of percussion..... very nice
