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A Late Christmas Greeting

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Wanted to wish all the AloneToners out there a special Christmas - even tho it is a bit late.

K. SCOT SPARKS   79+intercessions's avatar
K. SCOT SPARKS 79+intercessions said

...yeah, bro; please keep doing your music!!

joecosas's avatar
joecosas said

nice :) Hi Dave. Joe Cosas here. Finally made it to alonetone. Good to read your update of what's going in your neighborhood. - Joe

Guest said

Thank you

K. SCOT SPARKS   79+intercessions's avatar
K. SCOT SPARKS 79+intercessions said, my bro. :)

Guest said

That's a really pretty greeting. Happy New Year too.

kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Sweet! Thank you!
