185 tracks by yelyah

yelyah's avatar
I might as well officially say that I’m attempting to go 28 for 28. Maybe nuts, but I seem to feel the need to prove to myself that I’m the same person who could write a song a day (24 in 24) back in August. This song has lyrics, but you wouldn…
yelyah's avatar
Um. If you enjoyed "solo piano 20100201", you'll probably enjoy this similarly titled piece. Hugs to all my fellow alonetoners who listened/commented on yesterday's track. I'm looking forward to catching up on all of the great music you…
yelyah's avatar
I excel at disappearing for long stretches, eh? I think with this I'm officially committing to doing FAWM. And R.I.P. my songwriting drought. August 27th, 2009 - February 1st, 2010.
yelyah's avatar
I hereby name this the "bridge to nowhere" mix since it was the musical content of the bridge that I spent the most time on. If you've heard the song before, I've provided a shortcut video that plays the bridge from last night's version vs. tonight…
yelyah's avatar
It's the "do no harm" mix. Because, theoretically you won't hear any difference between this and "technique 43". Which is sad really, given how many hours I spent on it. Hours spent on the oh-so-exciting put-everything-in-Logic step…
yelyah's avatar
This is day 24 of my 24 day project. So that means it's over. And if you're reading this on alonetone, this is lucky track number 100. 24 "songs" in 24 days. Really, the only requirement was to produce a minute of music each day. I wish…
yelyah's avatar
Some friends throw other friends going away parties. Songwriting friends say "hey, what a great idea for a song." Tech notes: I've been losing my voice today and ended up having to go back and do retakes to try to get as close to on-pitch as…
yelyah's avatar
Let us celebrate our failures and our successes! I submit my failure here for consideration. I actually want to do something more with this just because it's a lot darker than I usually write. Unfortunately, it never turned into something musical…
yelyah's avatar
The 3rd song I ever really wrote. Someday I'll record the vocals to it and then we can all laugh together.
yelyah's avatar
You know those people who like to break out the family photos or something of that sort with which to bore their guests? This is my version of that. Most of what makes this song special to me is for all the same reasons that you won't share…
yelyah's avatar
When I tweeted about maybe doing an Irish rap tonight, I wasn’t actually serious (though it has been on my todo list for a few years). But I took a walk, and the idea of going for it stuck in my head. So I started developing it on the walk and…
yelyah's avatar
Alright, so it turns out that I lied. THIS song is actually #60 of 2009. I forgot about how I turned the instrumental "lucid traum" into the spoken word 'drama' "wake me up" for a class project. (http://yelyah.com/music/song/lucid-traum…
yelyah's avatar
Yeah, so I finally consolidated my music collection over from my other mac and found my grand total for 2009. This is my 60th track of 2009. I wrote my first track for a MIDI class in the fall of 1999 (did I mention I'm a 10th year sophomore…
yelyah's avatar
After yesterday’s crazy-fun, flow-filled session, I returned to planet Earth. 10 minutes into today’s session, I was crashing, so I took a 40 minute nap. I couldn’t get back on track afterwards (which is typical anyway), so I decided a walk was…
yelyah's avatar
F*ck yeah, I had some fun with this one. I broke my brain today It wasn't that pleasant hey hey hey If I seem a bit confused That doesn't mean my brain has been abused Stomp brain stomp.... I broke my toe yesterday I stubbed it on the door…
yelyah's avatar
The companion piece to the instrumental "technique 43".
yelyah's avatar
Pro Tip: No amount of multi take recording features will fix it when you're flat/sharp on *all* of the takes. Based on a true story. Lyrics: There's something wrong in the world today I just can't believe it I just can't believe it It's the…
yelyah's avatar
1) pick up 15 year old guitar 2) tune it 3) trim fingernails 4) look for guitar pick 5) abandon search for pick 6) tune guitar again 7) browse through Logic channel strip presets 8) find "Mystery Chorus" 9) play simple melody 10) ??? 11) PROFIT…
yelyah's avatar
You know that joke about the brick ambient synthesizer (http://possecrewensemble.com/as606/)? Yeah, I totally used that thing on this song.
yelyah's avatar
Who would’ve thought that the last 10 seconds would take me like an hour and a truck load of takes? And thank you Logic multi-take feature for allowing me to indulge so much time in something that was completely tangential to the song.