eshar's listening history

thetworegs's avatar
The relationship is going wrong. You suddenly realize that those so called friends of yours are paying a little bit too much attention to your honey................ (Take 2 remixed to see if i could get the voice cleaner)
thetworegs's avatar
A story of a one night stand and the judgment that goes with it.......... Right or wrong
thetworegs's avatar
Reg is worried about tomorrow and what the future will bring.................. at the end if you listen carefully you can hear two tom cats having a fight outside by the garage door, picked up by the mic.
thetworegs's avatar
An idea i had today to try and learn Dminor and Aminor on the Keyboard i think it works i'll be having another look at it when i have learned a bit more about the program i'm using. So hope you enjoy
thetworegs's avatar
Watch out there coming and they are tooled up.....
Colin Garvey's avatar
Reefwalker's avatar
For everyone who lives in a bright sunny place. Got lots of snow in the mountains today. On days like these, there are only 4 things to do: 1)start fire 2)shovel snow 3)Make music (inside, not on deck) 4)access EWABS (emergency wine and beer…
strummindude's avatar
Lyrics influenced by a conversation with a friend whose daughter was in a really bad way. Kind of set the mood for large parts of the challenge for me this year. New version uploaded 12 Dec 2010.
thetworegs's avatar
This song is evolving it was People they dont try at all now its People just think me the fool and i have to work on that Banjo but at least its a bit cleaner now but a work in progress...As all of mine are.
The Stebiv's Weary Ground's avatar
It's a part of the song I'm working on, maybe the rest of it lands in the garbage can where it belongs to. The vocal part's intention was to be a capella, but the piano impro is suitable... somehow.