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by Alex Dionisio



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(samples “One Thing Leads to Another” by the Fixx)

Life’s a series of actions and reactions
One gets what she gives, or doesn’t if one didn’t
Do you see signs in the time?
Do you see the crimes? That’s a sign of the times
Life quality’s based on all you be
That hollowed wall of noise is really all a void, the practice of pretending when you’re really a small toy
Let’s all avoid the vacuum of neglecting what we oughta know
What’s annoying’s it’s, it’s the age of information yet you’re claustrophobic, like the truth it’s just too hard to cope with
To blame is to fade, and if you get no open arms, you’re probably just hopeless harm
It takes work to resist the killing machine; schlubs go willingly and dismissively, thinking that it’s thrilling glee or simply that ‘that’s all there is for me’
I know it’s hard
When I’s a youth, might been consumed, but I’d fight the broom
People are lazy about doing the right thing yet very hardworking when the pursuits are all frightening, terrifying and compromising of self
The doldrums you’re in are ‘cause you spoke or chose to go for sin
The cognitive dissonance, this is your holding pen as I hold this pen
By all means, stay cocky; the joke’s on them
I’ll get the last laugh while your throat’s choked with phlegm and sore and red from inflammation
But I stay on my grizzy, I could get fucked with too
I know Americans look for any reason to try to fuck with dude
Proceed with caution; these end times before the enlivening are apt to end lives with it
Prevent dying is to live the opposite of where you now find yourself in
To lay down and die is now the bee’s knees and the cat’s meow to these weak people
No knock on felines or buzzing honey eaters/creatures, insects
Does your set intersect with death? And do you get consumed in the fiery pits of hell?
Is denial a word just to spell or a whole world unto itself?
Take a good look around at what you do and done and don’t consume, ‘cause it’ll determine you faster than you can say Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious ferociously
And if you think the problem is me, you better look at yourself
One thing leads to another, and the winner is who you think of most so it should only be you
