**Song-writing Demo for FAWM 2025**
Song number 07
Written 12th Feb
Demo recorded 15th Feb
Not really sure where this came from - but I find it REALLY comforting. That might not be how others hear it, but that's ok, songs get finished…
I really enjoyed this song... I like the progression alot and that does indeed comfort me.
The voice is nice as well and fits perfect.... I really like the way you make the guitar chug along in a nice rhythm... makes me think of a lovely train ride on a fall afternoon through the country.... very laid back but still full of life and energy!
**Song-writing Demo for FAWM 2025**
Song number 14
Written 21st-22nd Feb
Demo recorded 22nd Feb
The thing of it is, er... whatever
I guess.
**Now that we’re home - A A J Russe**
Now that we’re home
I’ll admit to you…
**Song-writing Demo for FAWM 2025**
Song number 10
Written 15th Feb
Demo recorded 15th Feb
It wasn't really like this, it was very romantic.
This was a really quick write, though.
We were getting up, she was doing her hair…
Sounds like true love to me...every bittersweet second of it! And it's so lovely to hear you again! More please. And not just every Valentines.
(I can't log in. But Sister Savage says hi!)
**Song-writing Demo for FAWM 2025**
Song number 02
Written 3-5th Feb
Demo recorded 8th Feb
I had most of it on the 3rd, but wanted a middle 8 (bridge).
Struggled a bit with energy and how busy I am at work...
I managed to write…
**Song-writing Demo for FAWM 2025**
Song number 14
Written 21st-22nd Feb
Demo recorded 22nd Feb
The thing of it is, er... whatever
I guess.
**Now that we’re home - A A J Russe**
Now that we’re home
I’ll admit to you…
(Remastered 22/10/2021)
I've been missing in action for ages - apologies to all, I'm about to start listening again too.
For ages, I'd been considering a move away from my trusty Boss BR1600 on which I've recorded and mixed nearly everything…
**Song-writing Demo for FAWM 2025**
Song number 01
Written Saturday-Sunday 1st-2nd February 2025
Written 1st-2nd Feb
Demo recorded 2nd Feb
I wasn't gonna do this FAWM thing this year, but they sent me an email...
And then I wrote…
**Song-writing Demo for FAWM 2025**
Song number 14
Written 21st-22nd Feb
Demo recorded 22nd Feb
The thing of it is, er... whatever
I guess.
**Now that we’re home - A A J Russe**
Now that we’re home
I’ll admit to you…
**Song-writing Demo for FAWM 2025**
Song number 12
Written 19th Feb
Demo recorded 22nd Feb
I knew a girl called Julia, over 40 years ago, I still write songs about her.
**I Can Hear Your Voice - A A J Russe**
I didn…
**Song-writing Demo for FAWM 2025**
Song number 13
Written 20th Feb
Demo recorded 22nd Feb
I had the song half done - well, I had the title and chorus - and I was watching a FABULOUS film the other night called Enchanted April, with…
**Song-writing Demo for FAWM 2025**
Song number 14
Written 21st-22nd Feb
Demo recorded 22nd Feb
The thing of it is, er... whatever
I guess.
**Now that we’re home - A A J Russe**
Now that we’re home
I’ll admit to you…
**Song-writing Demo for FAWM 2025**
Song number 10
Written 15th Feb
Demo recorded 15th Feb
It wasn't really like this, it was very romantic.
This was a really quick write, though.
We were getting up, she was doing her hair…
**Song-writing Demo for FAWM 2025**
Song number 09
Written 14th Feb
Demo recorded 15th Feb
**Lost - A A J Russe**
We watch
As the memories
Surely have to fade
The past
That we used to know
Is written in the shade
**Song-writing Demo for FAWM 2025**
Song number 08
Written 13th - 14th Feb
Demo recorded 15th Feb
**The Best Of You - A A J Russe**
You’ve got a way with words
People seem to understand
People seem to want to know
Both what…
**Song-writing Demo for FAWM 2025**
Song number 07
Written 12th Feb
Demo recorded 15th Feb
Not really sure where this came from - but I find it REALLY comforting. That might not be how others hear it, but that's ok, songs get finished…
**Song-writing Demo for FAWM 2025**
Song number 06
Written 9-11th Feb
Demo recorded 15th Feb
You know how Jane-ites (Jane Austen fans) ask "What would Jane do?" for life guidance...?
Well, when it came to write this, I asked myself…
**Song-writing Demo for FAWM 2025**
Song number 10
Written 15th Feb
Demo recorded 15th Feb
It wasn't really like this, it was very romantic.
This was a really quick write, though.
We were getting up, she was doing her hair…
**Song-writing Demo for FAWM 2025**
Song number 10
Written 15th Feb
Demo recorded 15th Feb
It wasn't really like this, it was very romantic.
This was a really quick write, though.
We were getting up, she was doing her hair…
**Song-writing Demo for FAWM 2025**
Song number 05
Written 8th Feb
Demo recorded 8th Feb
I was writing this from about 1am this morning before I went to bed, then on and off in between takes on the demos of the previous three today…
**Song-writing Demo for FAWM 2025**
Song number 04
Written 6th Feb
Demo recorded 8th Feb
This was quite a quick write.
I was watching a film.
Someone said "No matter what the odds".
So I thought: what about a song called No…
Possibly the last one for this years RPM
The Only thing I feel
The wind blew against the window and brought the morning I
Sunlight hit the curtain and I’m sure it trying to break on through
My senses woke to the smell of tobbaco…
I was having a new gear day I received a new pedal for my Bass only £23 so I was playing with it with my eventide H9 and mojo mojo pedal and the tracks developed into this...corruption
Hope you enjoy
Another RPM
Reg starts to worry that he's forgetting his loved ones that have passed
Your memory fades
I can’t see your face no more in my mind
With my eyes closed your image starts to fade
I forgot your vioce how it…
Another for the RPM
Reg starts to thinking about things...
Why did God give us thought?
Everyones afraid of the darkness
close your eyes you dissapear
Suddenly you are nothing but a voice
Syllables of sound a constant…
Another RPM
Reg is dreaming of summer ....
I’m lost in myself on this cold Febuary morning
Walking the dogs trying to smiling inside
But my heart feels sad its yearning for the sunshine
Where everything…
Another RPM
Things are looking up for Reg I mean its nearly spring
I think I hear a whisper
I think I hear the whisper
Of spring
its on its way
I can see the snow drops starting to climb back into the world…
Another RPM
Reg is looking back on his childhood.
Mama says i can't play with you no more
I don’t know how I’m gonna tell you
But mama says I can’t play with you no more
Your not like all the other boys
I can’t play with you no…
Lessons not, quickly forgotten.
Stable eye, upbuild downtrodden.
Troubled times, lay down often.
Catch the sky, once in a while.
No longer a sound.
Lack of presence feelin' down.
Nothing to put my arms around.
Emptiness is not profound…
I saw her mother
Just the other day
She didn’t know me
So I froze on what to say
When she was happy
Nothing made her frown
Danced so much
They even gave her a crown
She was , she was royalty
Really wish that she remembered me
What's your angle?
Why, you want everything for free?
Is it your ego,
or how you want the world to be?
Chase your desire,
But your blind to the cost.
Grab at the surface.
Your ideology is lost.
You can't have it all!
This is the price…
Push & pull,
Left & right,
Up & down,
Don't forget your dog's in this fight.
All so hard to see in this light.
Couldn’t put it any other way,
Hands up in the air as if they’re trynna say,
Will I ever be…
One last cup of coffee
Before I hit the road
Where I’m going
You only know
Don’t forget me
Once i’m sold
Breaking down slowly
I suppose so
I’m beaten up
But I’ve grown up
Beaten up
Grow up
You’ll make someone happy
For a year…
I wait, I wait,
For you now.
I wait, I wait,
For you now.
Now that you're ahead I wonder,
Will you turn and wait for me?
I wonder.
If I lost direction,
Would the favor return for free?
I wonder.
Hit the brakes, hit the brakes!
I guess it's really gonna be farewell,
For as far as I can tell,
Once upon a time story sounds so swell,
the kind of story that we would tell,
We tell the children that it's all, alright,
Nursery rhymes to get through the night,
Hush little…
I saw you walk right by me without a second glance.
I heard you talking right behind my ‘ugly’ back.
Who knew that we could turn from friends to strangers so so fast,
I thought that this was just the end.
I always argued it was your fault…
from the album “Savior of the World”
with Daniel Jordan on vocals
Keith Howell on drums
Robert Rebeck mixing and mastering
Looks like the clouds
Are being blown away
Looks like the sky
Is slowly turning grey
And i wanna know
Why you…
from the album “Savior of the World”
with Daniel Jordan on vocals
Keith Howell on drums
Robert Rebeck mixing and mastering
Looks like the clouds
Are being blown away
Looks like the sky
Is slowly turning grey
And i wanna know
Why you…
from the album “Savior of the World”
with Daniel Jordan on vocals
Keith Howell on drums
Robert Rebeck mixing and mastering
I could hold you closer
I won’t ever deceive
This forever’s not hollow
If i could only, make you see
from the album “Savior of the World”
with Daniel Jordan on vocals
Keith Howell on drums
Robert Rebeck mixing and mastering
It’s so tiring just to be near you
So close and for so long
But i wouldn’t want to be anywhere else
so don’t get…
from the album "Savior of the World"
with Daniel Jordan on vocals
Keith Howell on drums
Robert Rebeck mixing and mastering
I wanna know, the weight of the world
It must be so much It crushes my soul
Oh no, now i feel It’s coming apart…
Comments on Andrew Russe's stuff
Andy, I really enjoyed this song... I like the progression alot and that does indeed comfort me. The voice is nice as well and fits perfect.... I really like the way you make the guitar chug along in a nice rhythm... makes me think of a lovely train ride on a fall afternoon through the country.... very laid back but still full of life and energy!
Mmm, mmm. you may not know, but keep doing it. I love how bare this arrangement is.
Sounds like true love to me...every bittersweet second of it! And it's so lovely to hear you again! More please. And not just every Valentines. (I can't log in. But Sister Savage says hi!)
Excellent track 👍
I seldom know what I’m doing too
Very nice song. Good quality too.
Hi Andrew, nice song! Stay healthy and safe. Keep on going. Paul
great tune andrew , love the lyrics , and vocal ,......cheers tony cee
So lovely and the lyrics are very moving. Beautifully done! I wonder where Julia is now...maybe she can hear your song.
Love it...and great imagery. Now I must see the movie too!
Another beauty! Gorgeous voice as always. (I get some Bowie vibes....and I'm a big fan). You're almost done your FAWM!!! Wow.
Love it …we like to make it special but I can’t remember how……. it’s an excellent album I throughly enjoyed the ride ..
Most of mine from the early years are gone I mean where the hell did I come from who what am I ….who am I evolving into …..oh yeah Reg
Nicely said… there’s always hope
I opened the box but I’m telling you now I can’t get the bloody lid back on ….a dark little beauty
Great lyrics …I just loved that fresh mint feeling
Well done! I enjoyed the line "empty Bottles and a pile of unwashed plates" I'm pretty sure she is your valentine.
Great Valentine's song! You have such a capacity for lyrical story telling - what a talent. Beautiful!! The finishing line is in sight!
another beauty Andrew its coming on to be a great FAWM 2025
I swoon ...I think its a beauty as it is
Comments made by Andrew Russe
Oh yes.... A fine set of songs
Reg has been thinking the same sh!t I have!!! Omigod... I'm not Reg am I? Cool track
This drives along... nice one. My advice to Reg is to learn not to think - it's what most of they "Normals" do...
The sun is shining here. Sadly it means I probably ought to attempt the 1st lawn cut... but there is SO much cat poo...
I'm listening to this 3 weeks later.... and it's MUCH more springlike now... as long as you don't turn the radio or tv on :-/
Woah... I get the reference/influence... but this takes the idea a whole different place for me. Shivers down the back of my neck (and some memories)
Woah... superb ending. A mighty cool set of tracks guys. Well done.
I knew a girl like this... or is it more that I was like you? Guess we'll never really know! LOL (I certainly don't want to find out now!)
"this is kind of a banger.. *cowbell" LOL Mighty cool track!
Woah yeah.
Oh wow - that instrumental is perfect in an already cool track... I was about to type "cool riff" and the instrumental took off and took me with it.
Digging these songs.
Yeah, nice one. Like the imagery.
Good opener!
Another superb set of songs, as ever :)
Another goodie. Love the languid vocal on the verses... just sucks you in.
Love that chorus. The verses are pretty darn cool too... and I love how you used a truncated verse one as a middle eight.
Yeah, digging these tracks. The drumming is very cool, especially noticed it on this one.
Oh yeah, love this one