Comments on another cultural landslide's stuff

another cultural landslide's avatar
Rob and Laura's avatar
Rob and Laura said


another cultural landslide's avatar
KMA's avatar
KMA said

nice feel! I love the "airiness"

another cultural landslide's avatar
Dedicated to all musicians who get asked "what do expect to get from making music?"
Richard Hardrick's avatar
Richard Hardrick said

I´m a declarated fan :)

another cultural landslide's avatar
Guest said

Freakin' superb!

another cultural landslide's avatar
Dedicated to all musicians who get asked "what do expect to get from making music?"
Guest said

Great track!

another cultural landslide's avatar
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Oh Yeah- I'm loving this. I'm a sucker for a great bass line anyway. Wonderful groove

another cultural landslide's avatar
Dedicated to all musicians who get asked "what do expect to get from making music?"
Guest said

This one is my knee-jerk favorite, having only listened through everything once. Very fun, very catchy.

another cultural landslide's avatar
Guest said

Damn. I want to make a movie just to put this song in it.

another cultural landslide's avatar
Dedicated to all musicians who get asked "what do expect to get from making music?"
mmi's avatar
mmi said

laughing my ass off! Brilliant!

another cultural landslide's avatar
Guest said

You can't go wrong with clapping and stomping... that's a fact!

another cultural landslide's avatar
Rob and Laura's avatar
Rob and Laura said

Beautiful. I love the "future...future...FUTURE...future" etc. Nice subtle wit, and great instrumentation.

another cultural landslide's avatar
Very, very raw demo for our 09 RPM disc. Drums are a click track & unmixed; needs one more guitar track, eq, channel compression, an honest-to-god mix, etc...
Guest said

This is a great song....What a groove.

another cultural landslide's avatar
This one was inspired by Wen's mom; and is therefore dedicated to all those musicians doing RPM, and all musicians who toil away at home to make their music despite what their friends & co-workers might think of their efforts.
Guest said

This is great, love the tempo, everything about it.

another cultural landslide's avatar
This one was inspired by Wen's mom; and is therefore dedicated to all those musicians doing RPM, and all musicians who toil away at home to make their music despite what their friends & co-workers might think of their efforts.
Spooky Garcia's avatar
Spooky Garcia said


another cultural landslide's avatar
This one was inspired by Wen's mom; and is therefore dedicated to all those musicians doing RPM, and all musicians who toil away at home to make their music despite what their friends & co-workers might think of their efforts.
brando's avatar
brando said

Well whatever the hell that was, I could hear more. Nice vocals.

another cultural landslide's avatar
Very, very raw demo for our 09 RPM disc. Drums are a click track & unmixed; needs one more guitar track, eq, channel compression, an honest-to-god mix, etc...
Guest said

Cooler than a cool thing! :)

another cultural landslide's avatar
Richard Hardrick's avatar
Richard Hardrick said

Like a time travel... my sword is ready now!!!

another cultural landslide's avatar
This one was inspired by Wen's mom; and is therefore dedicated to all those musicians doing RPM, and all musicians who toil away at home to make their music despite what their friends & co-workers might think of their efforts.
Guest said

I LOVE listening to this! Also makes me chuckle since I know the inspiration for the song. Proud to be you sister-in-law. Love ya, Deb

another cultural landslide's avatar
This one was inspired by Wen's mom; and is therefore dedicated to all those musicians doing RPM, and all musicians who toil away at home to make their music despite what their friends & co-workers might think of their efforts.
Guest said

Cool chilled track with nice production and good vocals. The sort of music I like to listen to in a chilled out bar in Ibiza. I can feel the sea breeze now!

another cultural landslide's avatar
This one was inspired by Wen's mom; and is therefore dedicated to all those musicians doing RPM, and all musicians who toil away at home to make their music despite what their friends & co-workers might think of their efforts.
Guest said

Just listened to this with the headphones - got the lyrics. Brought a tear to my eye! You're soooooooo right! :-)
