b3nny's listening history

Mr Sandbags's avatar
Made from a sample of a clock ticking and chiming the hour.
Mr Sandbags's avatar
This isn't a track per se. I made a video of progress with an instrument and this is the soundtrack. It's something of a mishmash of strange noises. That will come as little to surprise regular listeners. The instrument is an evolution of my…
Mr Sandbags's avatar
This started with a couple of samples in a new version of Boite Diabolique where the samplers slide over them at different rates and varying granular density. I recorded some of that as I varied the rates and then brought the recording into Live…
Brian Bazeley's avatar
Simon and I have spent a bit of time on this hope you enjoy. We had fun creating it.
maestroeduardo's avatar
my cover of Angel by Sarah Mclachlan. This cover I dedicate to my recently passed away grandmother, Joanne Moulden. She was a wonderful women and she will live on in our hearts and minds.
puji's avatar
b3nny's avatar
...not that i am.
Ross Spencer's avatar
Inspired by the wide and rolling horizon, a world so large to be beyond imagination, a world unfettered by global news networks and men’s shrinking out looks.
Drop D's avatar
This track is almost 14 years old, but is the result of me getting an hour or so alone in the KIIS FM studios thanks to my old college buddy Mike Madrigal who was doing production imaging for the station at the time. I did the drum loops (sampled…
b3nny's avatar
something not quite right, or even way off