Billy Jack's listening history

Reefwalker's avatar
This is a collab song with MTC. I almost hated adding anything to it cuz the first track he sent me was kickass vintage Jim. It totally changed flavors in the collab process, but still one of my favs
vaisvil's avatar
This is a piece Norm and I collaborated on last year. We hope you will enjoy it. two improvised 12 string guitar lines bass line ( I took a few takes) improvised piano Norm's percussion in Tumbao rhythm
Haltia's avatar
This song was written in an island where stoneman has really lived long time ago.
Breaking Light's avatar
Live track from yesterday at the Feed Your Head birthday party (FYH1110121) Alan Rice on percussion and voice.
Newbold's avatar
form the first part of the nov 2 2012 video... essentially I took the sound in the video and mixed it.
Keith Landry's avatar
Demo version of a song I've been messing with. I know what they're missing... The only girl. I know what they're missing... The one and only in the world.
henwrench's avatar
fabiokeiner's avatar
piano in the morning... pour mon amour
thetworegs's avatar
I think this needs a guitar solo but i'm not capable of doing it so if anyone would like to give it a go i would love to hear what you could come up with its in C. Otherwise i'm quite happy with with a solo by Billy Jack Please Don…
thetworegs's avatar
Reg went out last night to a bonfire party....Man does he meet some strange he got his £16 special down from the wall and penned this little ditty in rememberence........... I felt her Pain (Lyrics) i was the stranger in town…