Billy Jack's listening history

uglifruit's avatar
11 Kissing Goodbye Kissing Goodbye Now that we’ve reached the end of our first holiday night Waving goodbye Down at the beach and ended our kiss of life Nothing to say Holding your hand Planning to stay Can’t take this away Beautiful…
uglifruit's avatar
07 She dreams Of Simple Things In her own room She’s her own girl Magazine posters plastered into place In her headphones She’s a pop star Hair brush microphone And paparazzi face She dreams of simple Tiaras, tutus, diamond rings…
uglifruit's avatar
05 Lessons We Learned You told me you were there to learn But we ought to have taught one another instead of fought I thought I told you I’d nothing to prove But summer came and you moved away So I went back to school September – Another…
uglifruit's avatar
04 Over you baby, And Moving On. You never said you loved me When tomorrow came You never said you’d let me see you again And If I knew then what I knew now I’d be over you baby and moving on by now You never said you’d buy me A…
uglifruit's avatar
02 Perfect See that girl over there brush her hair beside her bedroom mirror For all the world she doesn’t show of know the glow within her She shines inside She powders down And lines her eyes It isn’t worth it, she’s nearly perfect…
uglifruit's avatar
01 Released Backgrounds. Ooh, Ahh.
jkoseattle's avatar
jkoseattle's avatar
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Breaking Light's avatar
live at Landers Machine Shop in Fort Worth. Rhythm background by El Lobo's percussion group.