Billy Jack's listening history

Circuit Tree's avatar
electronic nutsiness made in reason and then imported into cubase, one of my favorites, incidentally
Visions of Nell's avatar
(Tolar & Savigear 2010)
Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
Came up with this Before bed last night. Had to record it this morning so I wouldn't forget the Sound of it... Live recording I'll do a better version when I have more time... Well.... Off to work for me... This is…
Wildgeas Music's avatar
WARNING! ADULT CONTENT or goofy great........ After a week of computer crashes, I finally got my gear all back to normal. I got my drum kit hooked up yesterday and did a test run which led to this bit of Saturday morning fun that only proves…
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Ring of Fire - lyrics by Johnny Cash and June Carter Cash -1963. Slightly modified. This wasn't meant to be Ring of Fire but that's how it wound up. I have been wanting to trash Ring of Fire and the words just seem to fit this simple 1-4-5…
Colin Garvey's avatar
Sometimes a song just turns up out of the blue.
Tharek Ali Mokbul's avatar
For those I call my friends.... Where ever in the world you are... My Son Opens up this tune with a sound check... :) -Lyrics- As I stand, and I survey, All the places that I stayed. Days of old and nights that Slip into the…
kavin.'s avatar
improv on the Epi Standard tuning, capo at third fret.
Visions of Nell's avatar
(Tolar & Savigear 2010)
Visions of Nell's avatar
(Tolar & Savigear 2010)