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Billy Jack's Favorite tracks on alonetone

by Billy Jack


Tiny with Igor (Remixed)

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Igor sent me over this excellent Guitar track and Tiny was created…..Thanks Igor
Tiny (Lyrics)
Tiny was a lonely man, who drifted slowly through his life
with everything piled up inside his mind, like a layer ice below new snow
he couldn’t see his way straightening out,
he knew he’d have to dig too deep, to find a way home
home to that place, where he’d left love long ago
for that love he wants to find it holds reward
if a straight life ahead is to be held, together
Tiny who’s life drifts along slow like snow dissolves
Just like his love dissolves to back to where it begat
pure clean and fresh
straight inside his head
with love
sweet love
The longing in his dreams
of that day ahead

sluggthesickpuppy's avatar
sluggthesickpuppy said

still great!

JR James's avatar
JR James said

Hey....thats a beauty. Nice melody , vocal fits like a glove.

Guest said


Sandy Gritt's avatar
Sandy Gritt said

love the drama...I can picture you in the lounge at your piano in a tuxedo. Bow tie undone and a dirty glass in front of you...empty.

Haltia's avatar
Haltia said

Just a fantastic track, Reg and Igor!!

Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Nice way to start my morning. Cool collab gents!

Guest said

Great guitar tone! Decent voice, real nice job

igor's avatar
igor said

O! ~ life drifts along, so slow like snow dissolves ... of that day ahead ~

sluggthesickpuppy's avatar
sluggthesickpuppy said

fabulous! really gorgeous, words music playing & singing come together wonderfully; lovely guitar & superb voice
