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Hey Late Morning Sun

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A song I’ve had stored in my head for quite awhile, though never committed to tape (erm… binary code) - probably because I thought it was a bit simple and even trite. Having to come up with an album’s worth of material in a month cured me of that perceptions. I did fall in love with the guitar break though.

Frank's avatar
Frank said

Tasteful and mellow song.

am/fm dreams's avatar
am/fm dreams said

just dropped in for a random visit....i had forgotten how much i love your music....thanks for reminding me....i love your music....

A Bit More Better Productions's avatar
A Bit More Better Productions said

great lyrics on this one chaps.

aphelion's avatar
aphelion said

Listening to this as the morning sun streams through my window. Lovely :)

Circuit Tree's avatar
Circuit Tree said

thanks for submitting your tracks to The New Spin. I love 'em. I'll play one tonight. Anything I should say about you?

Rob and Laura's avatar
Rob and Laura said

Another beautiful song. The ethereal guitar is so great, and then...amazing change. Oh man.

Guest said

Your stuff is wonderful! R-e-a-l-l-y wonderful!
