Comments on Breaking Light's stuff

Breaking Light's avatar
More live stuff. Gallery Art Cafe 11/21/09
Guest said

Reminds me of home. Jupiter, that is. Very cool sounds!

Breaking Light's avatar
More live stuff. Gallery Art Cafe 11/21/09
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Sounds even more experimental than your other live stuff. Cool!

Breaking Light's avatar
Live @ Witch's Night Out
Guest said

This is cool. It sounds like you are playing at the top of the world and your guitar is echoing throughout the universe. Great stuff!!!!

Breaking Light's avatar
Also found on the KAC album "Westward".
Guest said

Wow great guitar swells! I really like this.

Breaking Light's avatar
Ebow loop study #2. This time with a "tone cluster" chord: D/E/F#
Guest said

Pareidolia is a psychological phenomenon involving a vague and random stimulus (often an image or sound) being perceived as significant. I learn something new everyday. :)

Breaking Light's avatar
E-bow loop study #1
Guest said

Your style is smoooooooth. Trippy even.

Breaking Light's avatar
E-bow loop study #1
Guest said

I gotta try this ebow thing.

Breaking Light's avatar
another oddity from the answering machine.
Guest said

I wish you were my nieghbor so we could jam out. lol. AMAZING stuff. Cool jam.

Breaking Light's avatar
Also found on the KAC album "Westward".
Guest said

Another awesome one. You certainly take the mind for a ride. Einstein said...ride the light..or be the light?

Breaking Light's avatar
Recorded for the 2009 RPM Challenge.
Richard Hardrick's avatar
Richard Hardrick said

wow!!! I really like this one

Breaking Light's avatar
Also found on the KAC album "Westward".
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Some wonderful sounds again! This could be the soundtrack for a voyage on the Nautilus

Breaking Light's avatar
Live @ Witch's Night Out.
Breaking Light's avatar
Breaking Light said

@zen punk I love NY's Dead Man soundtrack. I guess everything we take in, eventually comes out in some form, like a bad burrito.

Breaking Light's avatar
Recorded for the 2009 RPM Challenge.
Guest said

man, I've really got to listen to more of you songs. Definately the real deal.

Breaking Light's avatar
Live @ Witch's Night Out
Guest said

forgot to've got good rhythm too. You can tell...when you are playing you can hear other instruments in your head too. Somehow, things like that come out. If I had done this, I'd cherish it forever. Thanks for sharing.

Breaking Light's avatar
Live @ Witch's Night Out
Guest said

I would have been applauding. Sweet playing. This is a coool groove. Also...good color coordination on the stage...your sox match your shirt. heh.

Breaking Light's avatar
Live @ Witch's Night Out
mikewoosley's avatar
mikewoosley said

Incredibly far out! It reminds me of Mahavishnu Orchestra with John McLaughlin. Would this be considered new age or world music? Or, does it just defy categorization? Exquisite technical work. A pleasure to listen to. Mike Woosley

Breaking Light's avatar
Recorded live at the Witch's Night Out at the First Jefferson Unitarian Universalist Church in Fort Worth.
+++'s avatar
+++ said

Breaking Light's avatar
Live @ Witch's Night Out.
+++'s avatar
+++ said

reminds me a little of the Dead Man soundtrack by Neil Young. lovely

Breaking Light's avatar
Live @ Witch's Night Out
Breaking Light's avatar
Breaking Light said

thanks ACL, Kirk, MMI. I know these long tracks can test one's attention span.

Breaking Light's avatar
Live @ Witch's Night Out
kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Great textures you've created. Love those reverse volume swelled chords! Almost symphonic
