Breaking Light's listening history

WyrDGeneS's avatar
Breaking Light's avatar
A live gig recording.
Breaking Light's avatar
A live gig recording.
Bob Krouse's avatar
An old Rodeo cowboy thinking about his life, and how he'll get to the next Rodeo to maybe make some money. I was traveling down the interstate and happened to look out my window. Just by chance this fellow in an old pickup truck passed us. In…
JamesIsHisName's avatar
I play everything on all these songs, except for the drums. this is a dude from Portland named Carl playing drums, who has since dropped off the radar completely and gone AWOL
JamesIsHisName's avatar
unfinished instrumental, written during the period right after Katrina. Kind of a Bowie thing, I think.
John LaSala's avatar
Written for Noel MacDuffie's dance theater piece, Soul Descending, this scene sees Abagail engaging with the ghost (or just a memory?) of her late husband, William, recently claimed by the sea. Just as in the scene from Soul Descending, this…
glu's avatar
another one for the special electro-pop collection. Threw this together in the wee hours of the morning.
Peter G. Brown's avatar
A short demo; improv. 2009
Sudara's avatar
Poured myself a small cup of acoustic guitar, half finger picking, half ebow. Nothing fancy, nothing magical, nothing fantastical, just something to relax through.