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Left here smilin’ but you came back mean
Ain’t no need to tell me, I know where you’ve been

Ya tell me you love me, an’ you really care
an’ if you just had some more, you’d be happy to share

You came back wantin’ once you’d lost in all
Askin’ those you told no to pick you up from your fall

Ya lay it down dirty, wanna play it back clean
That’s like try’n fight a fire with gasoline
It’s like try’n fight a fire with gasoline

It’s like try’n fight a fire with gasoline
It’s like try’n fight a fire with gasoline
Ya lay it down dirty ya wanna play it back clean

Ya lay it down dirty ya wanna play it back clean
It’s like try’n fight a fire with gasoline
It’s like try’n fight a fire with gasoline

Nick P's avatar
Nick P said

Good beat....nice feel

Guest said

This is darned good too !!

Guest said

Hey, tha,nks for listening! Great song; haunting, and in the beginning it has a bit of a Tool feel.

Under Wildlife's avatar
Under Wildlife said

Very psychedelic

Guest said

Damn! that's just awesome....drum layering is cool!

Gumbo's avatar
Gumbo said


Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Up one side and down the other...lay it down dirty. Nice break.

thetworegs's avatar
thetworegs said

down and dirty..........

Movement To Contact's avatar
Movement To Contact said

Very cool. I love the beat driving the dirty groove home. Very nice man. Already have it stuck in my head.

Guest said

Demo, is it? I love the raunchy rhythm. Really cool track!

Norm's avatar
Norm said

...and playing it back clean!
