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My Skin

Cave Street

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I’ll make my exit on the wind
Nevermore to pretend
That I’m fine

Yeah, I’m good, so good
At doin’ everything I should
To convince you

That I’m okay for today
An’ I won’t crawl out of my skin
I’ll just pretend

Some days I’m fine
Yeah some days I feel sublime
All the time

But then there’s days
I wanna crawl out of my skin
And leave it in

A pile on the floor
And I won’t need to use the door

I’ll make my exit on the wind
Nevermore to pretend
That I’m fine

Yeah, I’m good, so good yeah
At doin’ everything I should
To convince you

I’m okay for today
An’ I won’t crawl out of my skin
I’ll just pretend

zx85's avatar
zx85 said

love that voice :)

Guest said

Ohhhhhh Michael!!

launched's avatar
launched said

I think I've said this before, but those are awesome vocals - Much like the incredible Mark Lanegan. Hell yeah!

Sandy Gritt's avatar
Sandy Gritt said

I'm really digging your stuff. AExcellent songwriting. I'll be back for more.

Guest said

just a few random weird alien sounds or "smart intelligent words" coming from a wisdom person...My voice is garbage that's why i stick to music lol but whatever you have and want to share would be cool cause I'm going to need a few. Tank you

Guest said

Title drew me in like a magnet, you my friend have some talent. adding to my chill favorites!

Johnny Stone's avatar
Johnny Stone said

Great vocals mate, this is a top track which ever way you do it.

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

As many times as I've listened to this song, played this song, recorded this song, it still chills me. Refreshingly cool!!!

another cultural landslide's avatar
another cultural landslide said

Heartfelt vocal. Very nice track :) w;-)

Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

This is still the most played song on my play list. It never, ever, gets old.

Guest said

Good one.

kirklynch's avatar
kirklynch said

Yes! Very nice indeed to hear this again

Norm's avatar
Norm said

Great voice.

Guest said

Oh how lovely to hear this again. I love your voice!

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