Comments on Colleen Dillon's stuff

Colleen Dillon's avatar
Wrote this song today as my first in the RPM challenge! A universal theme that came to me as I drove across the beautiful Mississippi River this morning watching the sun come up. Here are the lyrics: Change Is Calling You © 2015 Colleen…
MemphisMaiden's avatar
MemphisMaiden said

very nice vocals

Colleen Dillon's avatar
Update: Gene offered to improve the Mix on this song! This is that improved version. Thanks so much Gene! You are awesome!!! I wrote this song earlier this summer, and had played it a few times with Greg Connor, fellow alone toner, and…
MemphisMaiden's avatar
MemphisMaiden said

Lovely !

Colleen Dillon's avatar
Well look what Gene started... I decided to put my own thoughts on this one, and look what weirdness popped into my head this fine evening.... Thanks for the fun idea Gene!!! Here are the lyrics: How To Assemble An Android © 2015 Colleen…
James Michael Taylor's avatar
James Michael Taylor said

intriguing story deserves further developement

Colleen Dillon's avatar
Well look what Gene started... I decided to put my own thoughts on this one, and look what weirdness popped into my head this fine evening.... Thanks for the fun idea Gene!!! Here are the lyrics: How To Assemble An Android © 2015 Colleen…
Colleen Dillon's avatar
Colleen Dillon said

Thanks so much Gene!!! Everything I listen to it again it just cracks me up. Such a fun contest!!

Colleen Dillon's avatar
Well look what Gene started... I decided to put my own thoughts on this one, and look what weirdness popped into my head this fine evening.... Thanks for the fun idea Gene!!! Here are the lyrics: How To Assemble An Android © 2015 Colleen…
Gene Eric Mann's avatar
Gene Eric Mann said

OK, for the 3rd day in a row, I woke up with your voice singing this song in my head, and I carry it with me all day. If the responses to a songwriting challenge were judged by that standard -- how stuck it gets into one's head, then no contest, this one has possessed me!

Colleen Dillon's avatar
Wrote this song today as my first in the RPM challenge! A universal theme that came to me as I drove across the beautiful Mississippi River this morning watching the sun come up. Here are the lyrics: Change Is Calling You © 2015 Colleen…
Guest said

Hi! I just posted a remix of this, hopefully that's OK with you? Here it is: I thought is was cool, hopefully you do to.

Colleen Dillon's avatar
Well look what Gene started... I decided to put my own thoughts on this one, and look what weirdness popped into my head this fine evening.... Thanks for the fun idea Gene!!! Here are the lyrics: How To Assemble An Android © 2015 Colleen…
Sister Savage's avatar
Sister Savage said

*He’ll be fully functional, And also great in bed* Haha! Awesome track! Feel good overload. :-D

Colleen Dillon's avatar
Well look what Gene started... I decided to put my own thoughts on this one, and look what weirdness popped into my head this fine evening.... Thanks for the fun idea Gene!!! Here are the lyrics: How To Assemble An Android © 2015 Colleen…
Colleen Dillon's avatar
Colleen Dillon said

Gene this was a fantastic challenge. Thanks so much to you for creating all this fun for everyone!!!

Colleen Dillon's avatar
Well look what Gene started... I decided to put my own thoughts on this one, and look what weirdness popped into my head this fine evening.... Thanks for the fun idea Gene!!! Here are the lyrics: How To Assemble An Android © 2015 Colleen…
Gene Eric Mann's avatar
Gene Eric Mann said

"Technopedia, Wikipedia," "My box cutter nearly hummed," "... arrived by FedEx And a big two-wheeler was required," your poetry is excellent!

Colleen Dillon's avatar
Well look what Gene started... I decided to put my own thoughts on this one, and look what weirdness popped into my head this fine evening.... Thanks for the fun idea Gene!!! Here are the lyrics: How To Assemble An Android © 2015 Colleen…
Gene Eric Mann's avatar
Gene Eric Mann said

Just listen in headphones. Very juicy. You really did a great job with this, Colleen -- the headphones prove you know how to mix it up! Good, clean, fun mastering job -- I'm impressed!

Colleen Dillon's avatar
Well look what Gene started... I decided to put my own thoughts on this one, and look what weirdness popped into my head this fine evening.... Thanks for the fun idea Gene!!! Here are the lyrics: How To Assemble An Android © 2015 Colleen…
Guest said

Fun contest! I'm trying to come up with something, but haven't had time to work on it. Good job to all of you Android builders!

Colleen Dillon's avatar
Well look what Gene started... I decided to put my own thoughts on this one, and look what weirdness popped into my head this fine evening.... Thanks for the fun idea Gene!!! Here are the lyrics: How To Assemble An Android © 2015 Colleen…
Colleen Dillon's avatar
Colleen Dillon said

Well this has indeed brought out the "best" in all of us!!!! I look forward to another crazy challenge in the future.... HA!!!

Colleen Dillon's avatar
Well look what Gene started... I decided to put my own thoughts on this one, and look what weirdness popped into my head this fine evening.... Thanks for the fun idea Gene!!! Here are the lyrics: How To Assemble An Android © 2015 Colleen…
Ron's avatar
Ron said

Ha Ha ...loved it.....inspired lyrics....we kind of think alike...we should put our 2 disturbed brains together....what comes out may be unpublishable though!! lol :-)

Colleen Dillon's avatar
Well look what Gene started... I decided to put my own thoughts on this one, and look what weirdness popped into my head this fine evening.... Thanks for the fun idea Gene!!! Here are the lyrics: How To Assemble An Android © 2015 Colleen…
Guest said

Great job! Who's up for the Android challenge next?

Colleen Dillon's avatar
Well look what Gene started... I decided to put my own thoughts on this one, and look what weirdness popped into my head this fine evening.... Thanks for the fun idea Gene!!! Here are the lyrics: How To Assemble An Android © 2015 Colleen…
Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

What goes on in that mind of yours? Suspicious from now on and laughing out loud.

Colleen Dillon's avatar
Well look what Gene started... I decided to put my own thoughts on this one, and look what weirdness popped into my head this fine evening.... Thanks for the fun idea Gene!!! Here are the lyrics: How To Assemble An Android © 2015 Colleen…
Gene Eric Mann's avatar
Gene Eric Mann said

Oh what groovy, appropriate music! Great lyrics. Delightful vocals. What a wonderful job, and a story told so well, so fully, so... so... futuristic? Is that the word I'm looking for? I'm blown away! Thank you, Colleen!

Colleen Dillon's avatar
This is my second piece for the RPM challenge... And it's a big milestone for me... the first time I ever played my own instrument along with it! It's rough, but you gotta keep trying and start somewhere, right? Greg Connor... you'll understand…
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Wildgeas Music said

Very creative :)

Colleen Dillon's avatar
Update: Gene offered to improve the Mix on this song! This is that improved version. Thanks so much Gene! You are awesome!!! I wrote this song earlier this summer, and had played it a few times with Greg Connor, fellow alone toner, and…
Throwing Bones's avatar
Throwing Bones said

Nice lyrics!

Colleen Dillon's avatar
This is my second piece for the RPM challenge... And it's a big milestone for me... the first time I ever played my own instrument along with it! It's rough, but you gotta keep trying and start somewhere, right? Greg Connor... you'll understand…
Colleen Dillon's avatar
Colleen Dillon said

Thanks so much everyone for your continued kind feedback and support. Meeting you all has been such a boon for me!!!! I am excited to keep moving on and learning more!!

Colleen Dillon's avatar
This is my second piece for the RPM challenge... And it's a big milestone for me... the first time I ever played my own instrument along with it! It's rough, but you gotta keep trying and start somewhere, right? Greg Connor... you'll understand…
Greg Connor's avatar
Greg Connor said

B U R N That sensation you are feeling in your fingertips is progress. This is a big milestone for you! I'm proud of you. There is no going back now . . . no more putting up with some obnoxious guitar player who thinks he knows everything. Now the song will sound as you intended it. I think those chord changes sound darn good and the ukulele turns out to be an excellent accompaniment for your voice. *** For those who have not met Penelope, I'll just say she is a REAL LOOKER! Spruce top and block inlays just like my Gibson SG Custom ***
