Colleen Dillon's listening history

slkrell's avatar
A collaboration : music Greg Connor Lyrics : vocals, slkrell
Elusive Gene's avatar
The final version, at last!
Sister Savage's avatar
Arranged and performed by myself and Chris Smith (who normally builds spectrums!), for Brent's latest xchange cd. Song written by Mr Kinder. 2018.
thetworegs's avatar
I was strummimg away with my Chord Wheel and this came out ...... DON'T GIVE UP ON LOVE A C sharp D Bm C sharp A C sharp Bm C sharp A C sharp Bm C sharp Sometimes love is going to cause you pain Sometimes it’ll hurt so much you think…
Colleen Dillon's avatar
Here's a song that battled me for quite awhile... so I am glad to say I've gotten it recorded. Still rough from my home studio, but trying out a few additional things on my keyboard to round out the sound around the ukulele. Thanks for listening…
slkrell's avatar
sometimes the song just pops up in your windshield
slkrell's avatar
Don't do politics after all I am an American
Colleen Dillon's avatar
I wrote this story with the intent to let the listener decide for themselves who the common thread may be.... But for me I'll dedicate this to my dear family and long time friends. Thanks for always being there for me. I hope you enjoy…
Colleen Dillon's avatar
Here's a song that battled me for quite awhile... so I am glad to say I've gotten it recorded. Still rough from my home studio, but trying out a few additional things on my keyboard to round out the sound around the ukulele. Thanks for listening…
thetworegs's avatar
I was strummimg away with my Chord Wheel and this came out ...... DON'T GIVE UP ON LOVE A C sharp D Bm C sharp A C sharp Bm C sharp A C sharp Bm C sharp Sometimes love is going to cause you pain Sometimes it’ll hurt so much you think…