c}{imps 8 my ears's listening history

Al's left hand's avatar
Al : Guitar, Vox Jess : Bass (as drum), Vox
Al's left hand's avatar
This is a cover of a song by Sister Savage, from her kickin' 2010 RPM Challenge album, Juped 2k10. It also introduces the genre of acoustic crossdressed spacecheese (these damn kids today with their flying cars and their hyperspecialized genres…
Al's left hand's avatar
The *cough* future *cough* mayor of Chicago holding court with his corporate backers.
Al's left hand's avatar
Homage, in various ways, to Bowie, Arcade Fire, Airborne Toxic Event. I wrote most of it while out running on dirt roads near the Cody landfill.
Al's left hand's avatar
Title is a reference to a 2009 RPM album's title. It is a song about leaving Chicago.
Al's left hand's avatar
Inspired by the David Brooks book "Bobos in Paradise" and an article I read on the so-called "Prosperity Gospel", which is one of the weirder religious movements I've heard of.
Synaptic Disturbance's avatar
Track three from the 2010 RPM album "They Are Killers"
Synaptic Disturbance's avatar
Second track from my RPM 2010 album, "They Are Killers." The pounding drums at the beginning will eventually be over top of the synths that end "Nemesis," but I'll get to that later.
Wildgeas Music's avatar
Just another time traveling love song from your ole Uncle Paul. Mostly MIDI synths and some analog bass and screaming Ibanez. Drum loops too. I was going to drum it, but these two loops really kinda drive it along. Enjoy..... filled…
Reefwalker's avatar
It seems a lot of you record with open mics and can relate. I record 1 track at a time with usually 4 or 5 tracks. So, Im only asking for about 15 minutes of Silence...IS THIS TOO MUCH TO ASK??? Anyway, my house is so loud, I get a lot of bloopers…