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Saltyjohn's avatar
A love song. My lyrics, performance by Amigos Imaginarios (AI) By Your Side 2024©JohnSchofield I want to lie in your arms While the sun melts into the sea To feel your breath on my cheek As you whisper love words to me I want you to…
tonycee's avatar
tonycee said

great lyrics , smart song ......cheers tony cee

Tom's avatar
by Of Montreal
tonycee's avatar
tonycee said

great listen ....cheers tony cee

Tom's avatar
by Of Montreal
*is's avatar
*is said

Sounds great, T! Tho I might not be adverse to dying in Bloomington. ;)

Wrinkled Shirt's avatar
acoustic57's avatar
acoustic57 said

Nicely done. I'm liking the different layers and tones. Relaxing to listen to. :-)

coelocanth's avatar
RIP Zakir Hussain
jimgoodinmusic's avatar
jimgoodinmusic said

Great piece Kavin and gosh, sad news, had not heard Zakir died. What a passionate spirit and great loss! Very touching tribute in your foundational sense of the tabla pulse and interplay of appearing textures. Happy holidays to you!

swagunztv's avatar
Guest said

High star brodA mhe 🖤🍁🎙✨

Greg Connor's avatar
I wrote this song 5 years ago and have recorded a new version of it every year since (I think). This version features a Baritone 8 String guitar and Mandolin.
Colleen Dillon's avatar
Colleen Dillon said

Oh how I love this song!!!! Sung once again so beautifully!!!! Happy holidays to you and your dear Greg!!

Greg Connor's avatar
I wrote this song 5 years ago and have recorded a new version of it every year since (I think). This version features a Baritone 8 String guitar and Mandolin.
Ron's avatar
Ron said

Love it Greg!! Hope you have a great Christmas and New Year

EstudioChispa's avatar
Another workshop project. "Write something beginning in the future tense." Not perfect, but it was a fun exercise. For anyone trying to count it, the time signature is in 8, but the 1, 4, and 7 and 8 are accented. Then for the chorus the feel…
tonycee's avatar
tonycee said

sounds great , love the rythm , great vocals , and lyrics .......cheers tony cee

Wrinkled Shirt's avatar
tonycee's avatar
tonycee said

like it , interesting piece of music love the guitar work , and keys , well worth the listen , very catchy ,.....cheers tony cee

Breaking Light's avatar
Bass VI, loops
Newbold's avatar
Newbold said

Super groove.. nice layers of sounds..

tonycee's avatar
this song i recorded about 4 yrs ago and have since remastered it , all brass / strings /played on my keyboard , bass/ rthm /lead guitar . vocals backing vocals / mandolin , played by myself. thanks for your time .....cheers tony cee
T. Alan Dekker's avatar
T. Alan Dekker said

All your posted songs are quite good, but I like this one best. Instrumentation is interesting.

T. Alan Dekker's avatar
Releasing my inner Jimi Hendrix with this rough demo of a song idea I've been working on for a while. Drums: Beat Buddy Mini, Pop-12. Rhythm guitar: Fender American Stratocaster through Korg Toneworks AX100G "Rage". Bass Guitar: Epiphone…
tonycee's avatar
tonycee said

great listen. ....cheers tony cee

thetworegs's avatar
Reg reckons he's found the essence of his problems if only he found that little bit of love earlier in life it would have all been different...... or would it ? Little bit of love I’ve been lost in this maze we call life I…
tonycee's avatar
tonycee said

sounds great, love the vocals , superb lyrics ......cheers tony cee

glu's avatar
Guest said


sacreduproar888's avatar
Guest said

The part about individuation only happening as you participate in society was important information for me because I always thought of preparing myself to be a part of society. Thank you for this breakdown!

AMUC's avatar
AaronP63's avatar
AaronP63 said


kavin.'s avatar
live John Lennon cover
Burl Whitis   's avatar
Burl Whitis said

Very good. Thanks! :)

Clumsy Universe's avatar
With a Genuine Homemade 1-channel-oscillator Crackbox
Mamakato's avatar
Mamakato said

vaisvil's avatar
17 edo guitar, synth, vocals
acoustic57's avatar
acoustic57 said

Hey, cool. Nice and clean good vocal layering.
